Chapter 37: Kids

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~ 6 years later~
(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
'Its been 6 and BEN have been married 6 years and we have a child her name is (Daughters name) she's beautiful she looks like me has BENs eyes and dirty blond hair. But the rest it looks like me. I never imagined my life like this. It felt like just yesterday.... I was in my room crying in the corner thinking I'm going to end my life....I'm so glad I didn' look at me..I'm laying on a couch hearing my husband read my daughter a bed time story in funny voices.' "Tell mommy I love her and I say goodnight!" (D/N) yelled. A smile crept on my face. "Will do princess now get some sleep" BEN said. Some shuffling could be hear "goodnight daddy goodnight mommy!" (D/N) shouted from her room. "Goodnight baby!" I shouted back. BEN stepped into our living room and crawled into of me attacking my neck. "Whatcha thinkin' bout" he whispered still kissing my neck. I let out a groan of pleasure. "B-BEN...we are gonna wake (D/N) ". "Shhh then we will have to be quite" he whispered back and slipped his hand in my pants. His fingers rubbed my womanhood making me throw my head back in pleasure. Just then the phone rang. We looked at each other wide eyed. I got out of BENs grasp and ran to the phone. BEN let out a groan of annoyance and followed.
"Hey ugh....this (Y/N)?"
"Depends who an I speaking with"
"(Y/N)! Its me Gory!"
My eyes shot wide open
"I've been good! Started a family with Jeff how about you girl? I missed you!"
"Yea well I've started a family to"
BEN snickered and went back to lie down on the couch.
"Oh so we have touched BENs wee wee several times have we"
I rolled my eyes 'Gory you pervert'
"Shut up Gory how many times have you touched Jeff's?"
"Several rimes hun...we are stopping by tomorrow I can't wait to see you guys its been 6 years man"
"Yea 6 years without seeing each other can't wait to see you again"
"You live by BENs waterfall right?"
"*in the background* Jeffery put that down! I don't want you getting hurt! Jeffery sit down your going to fall! Ugh *back on phone* sorry (Y/N) gotta talk to you later see ya tomorrow"
Gory hung up
I sighed and put the phone down and walked back to BEN who was sleeping on the couch. I climbed the arm of the couch and stood on it towering over BENs sleeping figure. 'Heheheh' I then threw myself on BEN landing with my face on his chest. He groaned "(Y/N) whyyyyyyyy~" I giggled at his reaction "they are coming over tomorrow". His eyes didn't even open "we'll then we better get sleeping because Im tired ". I smiled at him "OK BEN I love you". Before I drifted into sleep the last thing I heard was "I Love you (Y/N) and I'm glad we lost the game~"
~The end

Sorry for such a short chapter!!!!!
;3; I'm crying this is the end of the book
I hope you enjoyed it....I might make a sequel to this one...I have to many ideas on new books so it will take time...*sighs and sniffles* heart ;3; any way hope you enjoyed it (I did) and leave any requests. Follow me and I follow back baiiiii~

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