Chapter 34: BEN on one knee

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~3 year time skip
(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
Its been 3 years and BEN are the happiest pastas ever. Slender gave me the power to be immortal and never age!. That means BEN doesn't have to worry about me dying. 3 years being love him...
"(Y/N)! Help! Help save me! (Y/N)! Aghhh!!" Gory screamed from downstairs. My (E/C) eyes widened as I heard many thuds. 'Oh no Gory!' I quickly raced out of my room into the large corridor. I jumped down the stairs and searched every room for Gory but there wasn't a sign of anyone. 'Am I alone?' "Gory?" I called out. Suddenly, LIGHTS OUT! I quickly got in a fighting stance my knives out and my (E/C) eyes trying to adjust to the darkness. I couldn't even see my hands in front of me. Just then I heard small quick footsteps behind me. I spun around quickly on my heels but nothing was there. More footsteps they made me spin in circles. Just then everything stopped. The lights came on making me shield my eyes from the sudden brightness. "AYYYEEE!"  The pastas screamed they were dressed so formally. "Uhhhh  what's  going on? Why are you all dressed so fancy?" I asked pointing my knife at them man was I confused. Gory walked up to me with Jeff clinging to her waist. Jeff wore a black tux and his long black hair was pulled back into a pony tail. Gory had a black dress that flattered her curves and stopped mid thigh. 'Look like they are about to get married' I thought. Gory smiled at me "man are you in for a surprise". "What? What's going on I'm so confused" they looked at me with smiling faces. "Uhh...well you see (Y/N) BEN wants to talk to you" She said scratching the back of her neck. "Well...where is he then?"  As I asked someone grabbed my hand and spun me around. I was now face to face with a smiling BEN. I looked at him confused I was going to say something but he then dragged me to the front of the crowd of noisy pastas. Gory and Jeff stood in front smiling at me. Once they saw us silence fell. 'What's going on?'  "(Y/N)?"I turned away from the crowd of pastas and looked at him. He looked so handsome in his black tux and his hair slicked back. He then got down on one knee. 'HOLY SWEET MARY JESUS SHIT!' My eyes widened and my hands covered my mouth. He smiled up at me and pulled a small black box out of his coat pocket. By now my eyes started to water he opened the box and revealed a beautiful ring. "(Y/N)...will you marry me?". Tears streamed down my face and I tackled him into a hug. "YES! YES! YES!!" I screamed and gave him a long kiss. He wrapped his hands around me and pulled me closer. Everyone was going crazy around us. "Aye that's ma girl!" Gory shouted above the crowd. BEN pulled away from the kids and picked me up bridal style. He threw me up into the air making me squeal."SHES MINE!" He shouted. Just then Jeff got on one knee. Gory looked at him with her jaw open and wide eyes. I looked at BEN who was smirking at his friend Jeff. 'Those two sneaky bitches planned this together'.  "Gory...will you marry M-me?". Gory stared at him she then knelt down and kissed him. Everyone went crazy again. "FUCK YEA JEFF!" Gory shouted. Jeff then picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. "(Y/N)! Haha I'm gonna go get laid!" She said laughing. I looked at BEN giggling "sooooo....what's re we gonna do now?" I asked in a baby tone. He put His forehead against mine "let's go take a shower". A bright white light surrounded us I flinched and closed my eyes but soon opened them again. We were in the bathroom BEN put me down and locked the door. He then stepped tword me he put his hands on my hips. I lifted my arms up and he took the hoodie off. I took his coat tux off then his white dress shirt exposing his chest. He took my tank top and bra off letting it dall to the floor. His hands immediately started to fondle with my breasts making a small moan escape my lips. He growled and picked me up bridal style. The bright light appeared around us again and we were now in a room. There were rose petals on a canopy bed. Candles were lit that seemed to be the only thing lighting the room (the room was dim). BEN placed me on the bed and slowly crawled  on top of me he kissed my lips and then trailed down to my neck. He kissed it till he found my sweet spot which he abused by kissing licking sucking and nibbling. He created a huge purple spot. He then trailed down my body he took my breasts in each of his hands and continued kissing down. BEN then had my pants and panties ripped off in a flash I didn't even feel his hands leave my breasts. My legs spread and his tounge made circles in my womanhood. I tossed my head back in pleasure, raised my hips a bit and intertwined my fingers in his hair. He was driving me insane he suddenly stopped and kissed back up my body. Our lips touched his tounge quickly violated my mouth I tastes my own self.  I moaned into the kiss his budge grinded against my womanhood.  My hands trailed down and I unbuckled his belt letting them fall to the floor along with his boxers. I flipped us over and licked down his body. I soon reached his hard member. I gave the tip a long lick and watched him with lust filled eyes. He sat up and moaned his hands held my hair as I bobbed my  head back and forth. I swirled my tounge around his member my hand started to pump the rest of what I couldn't take in. his me member started to twitch and I pulled away a string of saliva was connecting me with his member. he then lifted me up and flipped me over putting me on all fours. He soon shoved his whole length in me pounding fast hitting my spot. "B-BEN!" I moaned out. He grabbed my bouncing breasts and moaned out loudly. "How the fuck are you still this damn tight". We then  switched positions I was now on top of him straddling him. I bounced on top of him evry time I went down I went down harder and harder. A knot started to form in my stomach and his member twitched. "God (Y/N)!" He moaned. "BEN! Shit!" I screamed as we both released. I collapsed on his chest and we laid there panting.
"FUCK JEFF!" Gory screamed. Me and BEN looked at each other with what the fuck faces.

hey! Next chapter will have another lemon with jeff and Gory ;) be aware! Hope you enjoyed leave any requests and follow me and I follow back. Baiiii~Thatcreepywriter

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