Chapter 21: Im dead?

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(Y/N)' p.o.v
~ A few days later ~
Its been a couple of days we are still on the mission. Slender was right it will take at least more than one week. I've been worried about BEN alot I'm glad we have a tracking device on us so they know that we are still alive I'm pretty sure if we didn't have it BEN would be hurt all the time. Back to the mission we are trying to see if we can sneak attack them while they are asleep and if there are any traps in there or alarms. We found out that there are six main people we call them 'big six'. We have to take them down and if we do they all leave. "hey Gory I have a plan" she stopped walking and turned around to face me. "What's the plan?" She said as she looked around for any humans. "OK we go through the back entrance when its open. It has to be late at night. Then we find the bug six and if there are any humans around take them down." Gory stood and thought about it. "I'm pretty sure they go to sleep at 2:00 a.m. so we should surprise them at" she took a glance at the sky . "uhhh 4:00a.m." would be a good time. We walked by a thick tree. I motioned Gory that we climb this tree. As we climbed the giant tree I couldn't stop thinking about how BEN was doing. "Hey (Y/N)?" Gory said breaking the silence. "I'm worried I kind of have a bad feeling" my (e/c) eyes widened. "Why?" I whispered she must have heard me. "I...
really don't know." We both sat on the thick tree. I looked up to the sky. It was pink yellow and purple the sun was setting. All I could do was think of BEN. 'Please let BEN be ok'.

~at 3:55 a.m.~
I woke up to Gory shuffling around. "Hey (Y/N) its time let's go" she whispered. I gave her a thumbs up and jumped down the tree landing on my feet with a soft thud then another thud came as Gory landed beside me. We gave each other a nod and started to walk tword the warehouse. It looked so abandoned like if no one wanted to live there. We reached it and we went around to the back. Once we reached the back door there were rusty chains Gory pushed me back lightly "stand back" she whispered. She backed up then ran tword the rusty chains and busted them. It made some noise but not enough to wake anyone. Gory opened the door slowly she was careful so the door wouldn't squeak. She motioned so I would go inside and I did as told.we both crept in Gory shut the door behind her slowly. There we were in a long hallway with at least twenty doors. "Looks like these are bedrooms." She whispered. I opened a door that revealed a human sleeping in it. On top of his bed hanged a paper. " 3rd Chief" was written on it. I looked at Gory who had a sinister grin on her face. "Let's stab him" she mouthed. A smirk grew on my lips. We went to each side of the bed. The male human was still asleep snoring lightly. I looked at gory she had her knife out. We both gave each other the look. I plunged my knife into the mans throat and Gory stabbed him in the head all at the same time. Gory took it another step up and skinned his face. After we were done we went around to all of the rooms that contained humans. There was only one room left me and Gory both headed there. I then nearly slipped on the puddle of gasoline that was there. "Shitty tits" I whispered/ cursed. Gory smiled widely and covered her mouth and turned back around. I looked down at my shoes again '(y/n) there's someone behind you!' My voice shouted. I turned around and someone hut me in the face causing me to stumble back and fall on the ground. "(Y/N)!" I heard Gory shout her footsteps grew closer and closer. I looked up at the man he looked at us terror was in his eyes he held a hand gun. He turned around and started to run away. Gory ran after him she threw her knife and it hit him in the back. Gory got near the man and took her knife out. I stood up quickly and ran tword them. I grabbed my knife but then stopped he had a lighter out ready to throw it at the puddle of gas. My (e/c) eyes widened "burn in hell" he said and threw the lighter into the puddle. "RUN!" Gory shouted we started to run out of there. We were so close to the exit Gory opened the door but by then we both got pushed out by a great force that sent us flying into the lake that was behind the abandoned warehouse. We were shot into the lake a shock went through my whole body. 'Shit the tracking device is dead!' I cursed. I then swam to shore and sat there and watched Gory swim out. Once she got out she laid on the sand that was there. "Shit" was all she said.
I was in The living room watching the tracking device beep.'I'm glad she's alive' a smile crept on my lips. Just then the red dot on the green screen disappeared. Then Gorys dot disappeared. A sense of panic shot through my body "SLENDER!" I shouted. He teleported beside me and 'looked' at the screen. "Why did she disappear!!!" I screamed. Slender started to tap furiously on buttons. He them pressed another button and his head shot up. A box appeared on the screen. " Pasta destroyed Pasta destroyed " I felt my vision blur. "NOOOO!!!" I shouted and fell on my knees. My hands were on my head. I watched my bloody tears drip fast onto the wooden flooring. I heard footsteps and recognized them as Jeff's. He them started to throw things around and scream. Suddenly, two tendrils wrapped around me and lifted me up into the air. I looked around bloody tears still running on my face Jeff was thrashing around. "CALM DOWN!" Slender shouted. Jeff only thrashed around more stabbing Slenders tendril but it didn't effect him. Even more tears spilled down my face. "NO SHES DEAD! I FUCKING LOVED HER!" Jeff screamed as tears spilled out of his insane lid less eyes. Sadness consumed me. I couldn't move anymore I felt so numb. All I could do was cry. Another tendril wrapped around Jeff. He soon couldn't move. "Listen to me the both of you...I'm turkey sorry for your lose this effects me to! It effects all of us! We value their sacrifice they have completed their mission and they will never be forgotten they are now in a better place where there is no suffering" Slender said calmly. Just then I got teleported to my room. I was alone again.... My first real love is....dead...

(Y/N)'s p.o.v.
Gory let out a groan. "Shit...we are kinda lost...and this thingy broke.." I let out a huff. "Well I can remember where we came from but it could take a while to get home" Gory shot up "alright let's try and get home!" She said a little excited. As we started to walk I had courage to say "Gory....I'm worried about BEN" we walked deeper into the forest. 'BEN..."

Haiiii hope you enjoyed leave any requests and follow me and I follow back baiiii~ Thatcreepywriter

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