Chapter 18: Mission/Meeting

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(Y/N)'s p.o.v
The past few weeks Clockwork and Jane have been acting strange. Every time me and BEN are hugging, kissing,holding hands, Even being in the same room with each other! We would get glares and/or they would whisper things to each other they seem to want something but I can't really tell what if they want BEN they have to get through me.
~one day~
Me and BEN were at the waterfall again we just wanted to escape from the chaos going on at the mansion. Toby and Masky were fighting again and Jeff and Gory were making a bet on who would win L.J. was making a ton of candy and poor E.J. is probably trying to get Jane and clockwork out of his room. Me and BEN decided we wanna go somewhere so he brought me here. We sat under a tree cuddling and just staring at the shimmering water. "Hey BEN?" He looked at me and smiled ' God I love that smile...' "Yea babe?" I blushed at the word babe. "Why do clockwork and Jane look at us weird?" I questioned. 'I hope that didn't make him mad...' As I thought BENS smile left and he let out a loud sigh. "They are just sluts I won't let them hurt you or our relationship....I promise because I love you" he lifted my chin with his thumb and index finger. A smile formed on my lips. "This is why I love you" I said as I climbed on his lap. We started talking about video games since we are huge gamers. "You know its karma when you throw a banana peel and you run into it" BEN chuckled. "Oh my god" I broke into laughter. I stopped laughing when a phone started ringing (A/N: Seven days XD I'm kidding back to the story) I dug into my pocket an retrieved a small flip phone that we use when we need to call each other or alarm us that there is a mission or meeting soon. I grabbed the phone and looked at the called ID. It said "Slenderp" I giggled. BEN looked at me as I answered the phone. "Hello?" I said as I put the phone near my ear. "Hello (Y/N) come to the mansion we need you here" I looked at BEN our faces full of concern. "What for?" I asked BEN raised an eyebrow. "(Y/N) we are going to have a meeting you and Gory are both important we need you both present." I let out a sigh as BEN watched my every move." Alright we are on our way" I hung up the phone and turned to look at BEN. "Slenders holding a meeting and needs me and Gory for some odd reason." I climbed off of BEN hearing him let put a soft groan made me want to just stay there forever. He then got up and dusted his back side."fine let's go" he said as he grabbed my hand and intertwined it with his. We started walking back home hand in hand.
~Time skip your walking to the slender mansion with BEN~
BEN opened the door of the giant slender mansion and motioned me to go in first. "Awww such a gentlemen" I giggled. We both entered and walked tword the living room. On the way BEN smacked my butt. "I take it back" I laughed as he chuckled. We both entered the living room everyone was either sitting on a couch or in a chair. There was slender man sitting in front of everyone and two chairs were on both sides of him. Gory was sitting on the one on his right side. "(Y/N) please sit not he chair to my left" I was going to sit on the chair but BEN quickly grabbed my hand and pulled me back I to a hug. He put his chin on my head and tightened his grip. "No way she's going to stand with me continue your speech" BEN hissed. I could feel Jane and Clockworks glare and I could hear Jane whispering something but I couldn't tell what she said. Slender did as he was told and he continued. The mood was serious and tense no one had a smile on there face (besides jeff XD) not even Laughing Jack. " Children Gory and (Y/N) will be on a dangerous mission together. They will tale care of this problem that we have had. The problem is that these kids have tried to sacrifice one of their friends to me by stabbing her 19 times. The girls have been caught by police but now the adults are wanting to see if 'we exist or not'" he quoted with his white bony fingers. "How long will they be out!" BEN shouted. Slender let out a sigh. "At least a week BEN" slenderp 'looked' at BEN. His grip tightened on me like a boy who was about to lose his mother. "She won't do it send someone else" he growled. "BEN I'm sorry but they we're chosen the both of them are stealthy and strong enough to take out an army" Slender said calmly.
A bright light surrounded us I closed my eyes to block out the brightness. Once I reopened them my surroundings have changed. We were in BENs room 'we must have teleported'. I looked at BEN he them pulled me into a tight embrace my fave was in his chest and he was stroking my hair. "(Y/N) promise me you will do this quickly?" I looked up BENs eyes threatened to spill tears. I gave him a weak smile "BEN it hurts me to I promise I will do this as quick as possible to be back with you" .he smiled back at me another bright light appeared and we were back in the living room. " BEN if it makes you feel any better we both will have a tracking device so you pastas can know where we are at" Gory said as she got of of the chair she sat in "(Y/N) we are leaving at 3:00a.m.". I nodded at her. "BEN I'm going to get ready with Gory OK?" I gave him a peck on the lips. "Hey (Y/N)!" I turned back "be careful with your sexy ass" he smirked "yea love ya to sexy bitch" I giggled and ran upstairs and followed Gory into her room. Once I got into Gurts room she was putting on a grey zip up and then grabbed two buckets of black hair dye and some bleach. "Whatcha doing gory?" I tilted my head. "I'm bored of blue hair I want new hair so I'm going to change it" she smiled I nodded. "Gory I'm going to use your shower " I said as I walked into her bathroom. ' oh boy....'

Hey hope you enjoyed that chapter there is going to be a lemon in the next one I WARNED YOU!! Anyway leave any requests and follow me and I follow back baii~ Thatcreepywriter

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