Chapter 32: (Y/N)'s dream?

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Hello my children I want to give a shout out to someone (≧∇≦) Her/His name is MissGeeky101 yay! Anyway sorry for interrupting I know your like GORY!! FINISH THE STORY I DONT WANT TO READ YOUR A/N'S CX
(Y/N)'S P.O.V.
I was back in this place...The place in my head...Cloudy blue sky...floating on clear water that was like a mirror you could see the refection of the sky...yes...I remember...voices...its whispering...its getting louder?... Wait one minute....BEN!?!… "I'll kill him! He can't touch my love like that! Never! That bastard!" His was..switching between demonic and high if he we're gliching...A shiver went down my spine...Suddenly my surroundings were changing... I could see BEN we were in his room... Concern was written all over his face...I went to go hug him but I went right through him!?!. "Ben?" No response....I waved my hand in front of his face...still no response...I turned my head back and saw my body still sleeping...I was so confused what's going on!?!? 'Am I dead!? What no I can see that I'm still breathing! How is this possible!' I questioned in my head...just then Gory came in through the door she was huffing and puffing....covered in blood..and her black and yellow hair was a mess... She scanned the room she ran to my body...then she pinned BEN to the wall holding a knife to his neck..."No! Gory stop!" I shouted but she couldn't hear me...just then she let go..they both were talking about something but everything was in mute...Gory went out the door but BEN stayed behind for a bit...he walked over to my body...he gave it a kiss..."I miss her" I looked around his voice boomed all over the place... He soon went after Gory...they both were heading to...L.J's room!?!?..."that bastard" I mumbled to myself...I hate L.J. for what he did to me...they soon stopped at a box...'Jack in a box'...They both slipped I'm before the top closed I slipped in with them...Gory and BEN stopped...they talked and then Gory ran off....'what's going on!?!' I walked in front of BEN and studied his was gorgeous..."I hope (Y/N) forgives me soon I miss her oh so much". Heat rose to my face...."should I forgive BEN?" I mumbled to myself...all those good times we had when we were a couple flooded my head...when we played video games together...when we cuddled...that time we went out killing...when we sat at the waterfall...sat on the couch being lazy...He would make his stupid corny jokes that would make me laugh...when he would compliment me....and every time we touched or kissed I honestly felt butterfly's or fireworks....'I can't do this just as friends'...Just then Gory came back running...she mentioned BEN to follow her deeper into the abyss...I followed them...A tied up L.J. came into my line of view...well it was more like a blindfolded and cuffed L.J....'oh my god Gory you Kinky motherfucker' I chuckled...I didn't realise BEN was beating the living shit out of (E/C) eyes widened and my mouth dropped...'wow'...oh boy...Gory handed BEN her knife... He pulled L.J.'s trousers down...."ARGHHHHHHH!" His screams filled the place...BEN had chopped off his balls (A/N: it sounds so weird XD)...'wow BEN...'I thought to myself..Just them Gory got her knife and ran tword L.J....Gory....she looked like she was painting furiously...slashes were all over L.J.s body..."Don't worry (Y/N) L.J. will never touch you again" BEN and Gory said in union...Gory stabbed and stabbed then tossed the knife at BEN and mumbled full attention was on BEN now...He went over to L.J....he then started to saw off his head... A chuckle escaped my lips...'I think...well.should I give him another chance...' I was so confused...BEN was standing in front of me talking to Gory...Gory was staring at me with wide eyes and a smile...'can she see me??'... Just then everything started to fade away...I was back in the cloudy place..."(Y/N)...will you take BEN back?" My voice/Friends voice boomed... I layed there staring up at the clouds letting the water soak into my skin..."should I take BEN back?.. Do I love BEN?... Does he love me??.. Did he change???..." Just then my (E/C) eyes widened...the answers to all those questions were yes!..I should take BEN back! He does love me! He did change! I do love him!... I sat up joy rushed over my body small gust of wind blew some hair...My surroundings were changing again...There was BENs waterfall...I looked over my shoulders...and saw me and him cuddling under a tree..."what a lovely fate~"...."(Y/N)" 'crap im waking up'
"(Y/N)!!!!! "
My eyes shot open to BEN and Gory chuckling. "W-what!". "You mumble in you sleep (Y/N)" Gory said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes. I then remembered my dream. A small gasp came out of my lips "BEN I have to tell you something!"

Hey sorry for this useless chapter I just needed a bridge for the next chapter....I'm typing this with a heavy heart THIS BOOK IS SOON GOING TO BE FINISHED ;-;...I don't think I will be making a squeal I've wanted to do so many books like
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;-; I hope you lovely people enjoyed this chapter and Leave any requests if you have any follow me and I follow back baiiiiiiiiiiii;-;iiiii~Thatcreepywriter

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