Chapter 23: Hell pt.1

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(Y/N)'s p.o.v
we sat in the tree together our feet dangled down. It was to high up to jump but if you did jump it would be like jumping off a Hugh bridge. I didn't feel scared it calmed me down. I always wondered how it would be to fly. friend said it wasn't time I didn't really know what she talked about. "Alright let's go home (Y/N)" Gory smiled. Me and Gory climbed down the giant tree. Once we reached the point where we could jump off I did. I landed on my feet with my knees bent slightly. Gory followed and landed behind me. We started to walk in the direction of the mansion. 'I'm so lucky I know the way' I though a smile was on my face when I knew that I was coming home to BEN. We would finally be together again. Gory stopped walking and I ran into her "(Y/N) I hear footsteps." She mouthed. "Be on guard" I mouthed back. We kept walking. The footsteps came close. They were running tword us. I spun around knife in hand in a defensive pose I looked around. Gory sniffed the air. "Cheesecake...and...blood" she said with her eyes wide. "Gory? (Y/N)?" A familiar voice shouted from the bush. Make that two familiar voices. "Masky hoodie!?!?" Gory shouted. The two masked proxies stepped out of the bushes. They both walked tword us and pulled us into one giant group hug. "(Y/N) we thought you were dead! Everyone else thinks your dead to! We are so happy wait till BEN and Jeff....." Masky trailed off he seemed sad? But why? "What's wrong with Jeff and BEN!?" Gory asked her voice was raised and her eyes were wide with fear. "W-we s-should go to t-the ma-mansion " Hoodie stuttered out. Masky only nodded and mentioned for us to follow him. We followed behind 'oh god BEN what's wrong!?' "Hey (Y/N) you look a little scared" Gory whispered in my ear making me jump out of my thoughts. I quickly nodded and she let out a sigh. "I know I'm worried to but don't worry it'll be OK.." She gave me a fake smile. I knew it was fake because I could see behind that...behind that smiling gory is a gory in tears she's screaming for Jeff to be OK. I pulled her into a hug. "Thanks gory" I said and gave her a fake smile back.
~Time skip your walking to le mansion ~
We finally got to the mansion doors. Masky and Hoodie pulled both wooden doors open. Gory stepped into the enormous mansion and looked around with a smile on her face. "God how much I missed this place" I whispered out loud. We walked down the hall way and into the living room. Everyone there let out a gasp or their eyes were as wide as the moon. Everyone froze and stared at us. L.J. Jumped up "THEY ARE ALIVE!" he shouted at the top of his lungs. Everyone started to jump up and cheer some even cried. Everyone was here except for BEN, Jeff, Clockwork, and Jane. I thought BEN must have been playing video games or sleeping. I didn't worry much about the other pastas especially Jane and Clockwork god I hate those two sluts. I knew Gory was really worried about Jeff she bit her long nails and walked around like that. "Hey E.J. have you seen BEN?" I asked. "Uhhhh sorry (Y/N) gotta go out.. See you later!" He scrambled away. Every time I would ask someone about BEN they said they would be 'busy' or change the fucking subject!. Something was up they were hiding something from me. A wave of worry washed over me I bit my lip lightly. 'What's going on? Where is BEN?'. I leaned on the green painted wall the had a little bit of blood splattered on it. I ruffled my (H/C) hair and let out a sigh of frustration. 'Why won't they tell me where he is?! I'm his girlfriend I should know!' I mentally screamed in my head. Gory spotted me from across the room and walked tword me. She had her arms crossed over her chest I could tell she was worried by the look on her face. Gory stopped in front of me "Hey (Y/N)... I've been trying to ask about Jeff but they have never told me anything they would always Change the subject or say they are 'busy'" she quoted with her fingers. She then let out a sigh "something is up and I'm really worried" I let out a quite gasp. "Same! They won't tell me anything about BEN and im worried about him!" I whisper yelled. "Let's ask Slender about Jeff and BEN" I nodded in agreement. We started our walk to Slenders office. As we walked, many pastas had sad expressions on their face or they shook their heads slightly. I wondered what that was all about. We finally reached Slenders office door. Gory took a deep breathe and knocked on the wooden door. Slenders tendril opened the door to reveal him sitting at his desk. "Hello children I know why you are here, please have a seat". He motioned with his hand to the two seats in front of the desk. We both walked in and took our seats in front of the large wooden desk. Slender took a deep breathe "(Y/N), Gory, what I am going to tell you is not easy so please don't hurt anyone." He said calmly. I raised one eyebrow. Gory was digging her nail into her skin causing a little bit of blood to spill. "Gory...(Y/N).. We all thought you were dead...Jeff has barley eaten...and he's locked himself into his room...he has refused to do anything... And for BEN...All I want to say is...I am so sorry (Y/N)..." He said in a whisper voice. Me and Gory looked at each other. "IS BEN DEAD!?" I shot up tears in my eyes. Gory just sat there emotionless and wide eyed. "No he is not dead" Slender responded. "(Y/N) I had a dream where...BEN...he was with...a lot of girls..he was back to his player self...Jeff's mouth stitched...and his screams are muffled...." Gory stopped there were tears in her eyes. 'BEN no!' Tears blurred my vision. 'RUN TO BEN' I started to twitch. I dashed out of Spenders office I made sharp turns everyone was shouting my name. I didn't stop I wouldn't stop....

Heheheheh I love you guys to
Anyway hope you enjoyed hell XD pt.1 leave any requests and follow me and I follow back baiii~ Thatcreepywriter

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