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One year ago

David's POV

I detested hospitals.

Ever since Mum got sick, it felt like the hospital was the second home I didn't ask for. Although without the hospital and its staff I would've probably lost the only family I have. So I wanted to give back and volunteering here was beneficial for them and for me.
Reading to the children on the paediatric burn unit, as fictional as it sounded was often the highlight of my week and the only good thing about being in a hospital plus the perfect distraction while I waited for Mum's appointment to finish.

"Don't forget to be back for your mother's appointment pumpkin" Fleur, Mum's carer reminded me I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her, Mum is the only important woman in my life of course I wouldn't forget.

"I'm going to a different part of the hospital, not to the other side of the world, I'm not going to forget Fleur, nor will I be late" I assure her, I watch her quickly scope the corridor of the hospital making sure no one was paying us attention before she kissed me.

"You better not forget or else I won't be joining you tonight in bed" she winks kissing me again before entering Mum's private room, probably not my finest idea getting involved with Mum's carer but she'd been there at a low and weak point in my life. It didn't seem right to just discard her plus she knew this was casual, I made sure of that.

"Dude sleeping with the nanny is a skill we mere mortals only dream we could have, teach me the art of seduction" My oldest friend Daniel walks over to me with his goofy grin plastered all over his face.

"She's not my nanny you know that, now come on you agreed to volunteer with me" walking in the direction of the paediatric burns unit his footsteps follow suit.

"Well she looks after Paula by day then you look after her by night if you catch my drift"

"It's a casual arrangement, nothing more surely you can understand that and don't talk about sex in the paediatric ward Daniel"

"Well sex is how they were all born" he mutters.

"Please stop talking, I beg of you" I don't hear anything else that comes out of his mouth, where are the children? Normally they were gathered in the common room yet not a soul was present. The nurses and doctors were helping their patients but the usual children I read to were nowhere to be found.

"So are we going to read to ghosts or?"

"I don't know where they are"

"Does that mean I have to go back to Paula's room and watch Fleur make googly eyes at you?"

"Googly eyes? Really Daniel?" I shake my head annoyed.

"Yeah googly eyes, give it a year or two and you'll be married with a baby or something"

"Mum would love to see that in her lifetime, but all that with Fleur? Not going to happen" Fleur's a lovely woman I just know there's someone better suited for me out there.

"Then who?"

"If I knew who I'd be married to her"

"Right I forgot you're David Lawson you get everything you want"

"If I want it badly enough yes I will get what I want"

"Okay... So why are you with Fleur?" Even if I wanted to answer his question, I couldn't.

"Shhhh do you hear that?" The faint sound of laughter may have been where the children were.

"Avoiding the question by pretending you hear stuff that's new!" The humour evident in his voice.

"Seriously Daniel can you hear that?" We follow the faint sound till it grows, all the children from the unit were gathered around one bed watching a breathtakingly beautiful young woman put on a puppet show with one arm in a cast.

Like the children I became transfixed by her.

"She's hot" Daniel interrupted.

"Daniel, she's more than just hot... She's this, titian beauty, I want to know who she is" I find myself walking towards the nurses station where I see a nurse I'm familiar with.

"Yvette, would you mind telling me who that lady is with the children?"

"You know I'm not allowed to give out patient information Mr Lawson...but just this once and you didn't hear it from me, Madison Evans" she informs me hardly looking up at me due to the pile of work she had stacked in her desk.

"When you get the time I'd like a bouquet of white roses in her room every time she's admitted and the utmost comfort for any of her family members" I ramble to her, not many people volunteered at the hospital even fewer at the paediatric burn unit. The thought of this titian beauty being here stirred up happiness within me.

"I'll be sure of that Mr Lawson"

"Thank you have a good day Yvette"

"What was that?" Daniel asks out of curiosity, peering at me like I had a purple dildo on my head.

"There's something about her that's just so right, I mean look at her! She's performing a puppet show with a broken arm, she's got more heart than at least half the girls in Havelock that throw themselves at us, I don't know her but I'd like to"

"When I succumb to the girls throwing themselves at us in Havelock I'm not looking for their heart" he smirks.

"I'm tired of those girls, I want to meet a woman like the titian beauty, hell I'd marry that titian beauty in a heartbeat, you know Mum wants me to marry before she dies and I do want to fulfil that wish for her"

"If you marry the titian beauty I will name my first born after you, middle name of course"

"I like the sound of that, now if you don't mind I've got some business I need to attend to since the children are entertained" I wanted to stay and watch her, well Madison Evans, but if I did I wouldn't walk away. The more I watched her the more intrigued I became.

I want her.

I'm going to have her.

"Business? If you say so, I'll be there for Paula's appointment see you soon" he continues to watch Madison, it was hard not to be transfixed by her but looks alone couldn't make a beauty, I just knew she had a big heart.

There wasn't much to know about me. I have everything I ever needed in life I wasn't at a loss for anything.
The only exceptional thing about me was my drive, when I wanted something, really wanted something; I'd get it.
Sometimes it would take a while but I'd get it in the end.
🔹I hope you like it so far or are at least have enough interest to carry on☺️
🔹Feel free to check out my other books India's Deal and Meant to Be

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