Chapter 20

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Madison's POV

I had learnt a lot this past week.

Like champagne plus bellini's plus Madison plus David equals a whole lot of wild drunk amazing sex and a massive hangover the morning after.

This was the second time this week we were suffering a hangover, I prop myself up on the bed realising I'm butt naked with a snoozing David beside me just as nude.

The first time we'd gotten crazy drunk was the Havelock Annual Ball, we had an unbelievable amount of fun laughing, drinking and talking to each other despite my hesitation to go in the first place. We'd stumble back to the house at almost three in the morning after attending an after party of one of David's associates, drunk out of our minds. Being alone for the first time in hours it didn't take long for our horniness to arise, what started out as a simple sensual kiss built to our clothes being torn off each other. I'd had to plea with David to stop him ripping the dress Paula had bought, off of me but he didn't hold back and literally tore my underwear off and we demanded every inch of each other writhing around in pleasure till our insides erupted in completion and satisfaction.

I'd woken up completely sore from the neck down and dying of thirst, we hadn't even had a chance to brush our teeth before Daniel burst in telling us to cover our important parts and begged us to help plan his wedding. After being barked at and thrown out by a nude and not ashamed David we'd agreed and it had led to a decadent night with no expenses spared. Which was how we ended up hungover in bed yet again.

"I just texted Trish to have our hangover breakfast ready" he murmured his eyes closed but his arms pulled me closer.

"Why did we drink so much?" I groan.

"No matter how much money you have, free drinks are always enticing"

"We need to stop drinking so many free drinks"

"I had a great time drinking with you" he kisses the side of my head, his fingers stroking my bare skin.

"It was pretty fun, but I'm starting to regret the drinking"

"I don't regret the sex, my god that was bone shattering sex"

"At one point I did think I was going to shatter your cock, it was so intense" I can already feel his erection against my thigh, I'd been told by Summer that alcohol affected a man's ability to get an erection but David had no problem at all.

"As much as I want to make you cum right now, I have a splitting headache" After a couple of minutes we'd fallen asleep again. When I wake I slip out of bed throwing on a shirt, brushing my teeth and head towards the kitchen, I pass Paula in one of the other rooms sitting by herself looking at scraps of paper.

"Good morning Paula, how are you?" I hug her and sit beside her in the recliner.

"Good morning my dear, are you both still recovering from last night?" She laughs warmly.

"Feeling a little better, I'm just waiting for sleeping beauty to wake before I have something to eat"

"I'm sure it won't be long when he realises you're not with him" she teases, it was true and endearing David liked making sure I was safe and he loved it when I was right by his side or in his line of vision.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm looking back on my life, I'm happy but I wish I hadn't taken so long to take some risks"


"When David was younger we'd go travelling all the time, sometimes the two of us, sometimes with the Kincaid's or just with Daniel but I wish I had a travelling companion...that wasn't my son"

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