Chapter 11

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Madison's POV

"Oh my gosh!" Ruby gasps in shock when she enters the orchard and looks at Jack on the ground groaning in pain "I heard yelling, we have to get him to hospital!" She's followed by Alex who as per usual looks displeased

"Can't you see how dangerous he is Madison?! Look at his face!" Alex yells

"He goaded me into it by kissing her. Right in front of me" David defends himself, his jaws clenching

"You're not even sorry are you? You want to live with a man like that?!" I can tell he's restraining himself by clenching his fists

"Alex what is Jack even doing here? I came here to work and suddenly he works here?"

"He needed a job we needed more workers perfect solution"

"Of all the people Alex, stop trying to find something to damn David and to try and exploit any 'weaknesses' in my relationship, you're my brother why can't you just be happy for me?" I stress walking away from my family and David out of the orchard

"Just for the record Alex, I wouldn't have done what Jack did to Maddie, I would never have run off like a coward when she needed me most" I overhear David and for some reason I momentarily stop in my tracks

"You say that now but in the heat of the moment-"

"That's no excuse to abandon her, and when she tells me that she's pregnant with my child, I will jump for joy not jump on the nearest plane to Magaluf" he hisses and I've heard all I needed as I head to David's car which is locked so I lean against the bonnet

"I thought you'd leave me after that" he opens up leaning next to me

"I'm not your biggest fan right now, but I'm not going to leave you David" I truly wasn't...maybe my conversation with Ruby didn't have to be a lie, maybe one day I would be marrying David and having his children

"You wouldn't even look at me when I was apologising I really thought that this was the last straw" he's vulnerable at the thought of losing me, this cocky, arrogant man is worried about losing me

"And what would've been the first?"

"Blackmailing you, look if you want to back out this is your last ch-" I shut him up with a kiss, maybe a few weeks ago I would've jumped at the chance now that the farm was paid off but not now. His methods to get me weren't appropriate but damn he has me.

"So we're taking a man to hospital cause of him and you're eating his face?" Alex is helping Jack to our banged up car looking at us with disgust

"The same man who's the sole reason your baby will have a roof over it's head, the same man who has got my back, the same man who supports me? I could understand your concerns if he were a waste of space but he's amazing and until you get your head out of your ass I'm not doing this anymore Alex, I quit" I tell him, enough was enough
"I'm sorry you have to go to to hospital Jack but you shouldn't've kissed me especially after I said no and David warned you" I get in the car and sit patiently waiting for David to follow. We both drive home in silence neither of us knew just what to say

"Your knuckles are bleeding" I acknowledge as I turn to him gripping the steering wheel hard
"Come on let me bandage you up" I offer my hand to him which he silently takes and we walk into the house together

"David sweet pea what happened to your knuckles?!" Paula's startled by David's bloodied hands and even Fluer isn't sniping she looks genuinely worried too

"Maddie's ex boyfriend kissed her after I warned him to stay away from her and I lost it" he mumbles and Paula senses something is wrong and hints at Fleur to leave

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