Chapter 18

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Dedicated to Cynthiamarcel1997  for all your votes on my first story

Madison's POV

There was something incredibly peaceful about reading in your underwear and oversized t-shirt that just couldn't be put into words. Especially when it was something from David's library. However my reading was cut short by David walking into the study, handing me his passport.

"You want to go back to Canada?" Although the weekend had been about David and Daniel's hockey game it was my first time abroad, I revelled in being a tourist and taking long baths in the expensive hotels and prancing round in the fluffiest hotel robes and of course hotel sex as much as you can squeeze into a weekend. David hiring out The One Eighty for dinner, aquarium visits trailing a whiny Daniel behind, a trip to the Toronto islands and beaches made the weekend one I wouldn't forget anytime soon.

"One day yes but right now no"

"Why so cryptic?" He lifts me with ease out of my comfy armchair so he could sit too.

"I know I told you to take that job even though I despise the idea of you being alone with Grayson"

"Could you at least try to hide your distaste for him a little?"

"No" I sigh laying against his chest a little
"I know this is off topic but I love it when you only wear underwear and my t-shirt" his fingers stokes my thighs gently.

"And since we had the first conversation about the job and travelling with Grayson you skulked out of the room and get borderline feral anytime I try to bring it up" I try to get back on topic before our carnal desires get in the way.

"You know I get jealous Maddie" he murmurs into my ears giving me slight chills.

"What's this got to do with your passport David?"

"I'm coming travelling with you-"

"What? When did you decide this? You didn't even ask me!" I attempt to get out of his lap but he already knows what I'm trying to do and instead repositions the both of us till we're face to face.

"I hate, detest, despise the idea of Grayson being your travelling companion for two months not just because he's going to be working very closely with you but because you're going to explore all these countries and cities with him. I wanted to be the one you experienced travelling with, I want to be the person you look at the sunset with from the Eiffel Tower, I want to ride bikes with you in Amsterdam-"

"A tandem?" I tease.

"Yes I'll ride a tandem bike with you in Amsterdam. I want to be the one you create all these new amazing memories with, that's why I'm coming with you" he explains so simply yet so beautifully that any sense of annoyance quickly leaves my body.

"You're taking two months off work? What about Paula?"

"Mum is more than fine with it, she actually wants me to try and live my life without it revolving around her, but I know she just wants to spend more time with Darius" he says almost bitterly, understandably David still hadn't adjusted well to not being the only man in Paula's life.

"What about work?"

"You matter to me more than work" he admits earnestly, his soft hazel eyes gaze into mine causing my heart to feel as if it might leap out of my chest.

Damn it.

I want him.

Not just sexually but I want him by my side and even if I wouldn't admit it to him I want to explore Europe with him.

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