Chapter 19

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"That's the ring from the auction, congratulations for finally becoming a man" David says incredulously.

"I wanted to swing by and ask your permission to marry your sister before I went round to the farm to ask your Dad's and propose to Summer maybe bring her here she would love to be here wouldn't she" he rambled smiling opening the box revealing a six carat oval diamond ring.

"Oh my gosh it's huge! I know she's gonna love it!" David gives me a look, which isn't noticed by Daniel who keeps on rambling about how nervous he is. I furrowed my eyebrows confused as to what David's problem could possibly be, until it clicked. Summer wasn't at home oblivious to her upcoming proposal. She was here on the arm of one of her clients, though David and I hadn't bumped into her yet so maybe it would be possible that Daniel wouldn't either.

"Mr Kincaid!" A voice calls out belonging to a elderly Japanese man in a green suit

"Business calls, I'll continue our conversation after this!" He puts the ring and the box back in his pocket.

"Earth to Sieve-Brain did you forget your sister was here on the job" David turns to me and it's almost humorous, it didn't sound like a sentence that would ever come out of his mouth, maybe we should lay off the champagne and bellinis too

"We need to stop drinking"

"No, right now you need to find Summer and get her out of here and I could distract Daniel for ten minutes maybe"

"That won't work, if I leave he's gonna think I'm telling Summer"

"New plan, you stay and I'll go find Summer" he kisses me chastely on the lips and stands to go find Summer, I love that he was with me and wanted to help Summer.

"Where did David go, am I supposed to believe Mr Caveman left you alone in a room full of vultures formerly known as drunk businessmen and socialites?" Daniel takes David's seat. I hadn't even noticed the gaggle of men on the table behind us that were eyeing up all the single ladies like prey. Gross.

"He's drunken a little too much, had to go to the bathroom, said you'd guard me till he got back"

"I'll be the best damn bodyguard you'll ever see. Better than Ryan Reynolds and more attractive too. So do I get permission to propose to Summer?"

"You know it's only the father you need permission from right?"

"I know but seeing how close you are and how close we are it didn't really feel right me keeping something like this from you" suddenly I felt like a dick for not telling Daniel Summer's an escort and for not pushing her harder to tell him. We continue to talk and gossip about some of the scandalous people at the event, no wonder Summer's obsessed with these people. We also start to discuss his trip to Japan when he gets impatient.

"I'm gonna head over there now" it hadn't been fifteen minutes no way could I let him go.

"Wait don't go just yet, I need my bodyguard!"

"I'll take the full heat from Mr Caveman I promise-" he stops his sentence and stares to the left behind me, I follow his gaze.

Oh no.

*Summer's POV*

This is the last escorting job I'm gonna do.

After the Havelock Annual Charity Ball, I'd be done, I could focus on my relationship with Daniel and I wouldn't feel so bad all the time. At least I'd had a lucky break, Daniel couldn't go to the Ball cause he was far far away in Japan eating sushi and doing some sort of work.

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