Chapter 21

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The weekend of Summer and Daniel's engagement and Lexi's christening had been the perfect last weekend before we start travelling. I already miss my family and they'd just left our house, I was waiting in the car for Fraser to drive us to the airport where we would take David's jet despite my protests that there was nothing wrong flying economy or even business class with Grayson. Mentioning Grayson's name seemed to be reason enough for taking a jet according to David.

It seemed appropriate to leave David and Paula alone to say goodbye to each other, I knew they had decided that it was in each other's best interest to go their separate ways to opposite ends of the world, us to Europe and Paula to explore her roots with Darius in South America. But I also knew how much they would miss each other immensely.

David came inside the car looking like he was trying to hold it in, placing my hand over his, he pulls me into his lap hugging me tightly. We ride in silence till we arrive. I vaguely remember the route we took to the private helipad on top of the airport building but David leads me anyway. The sky is filled with a multitude of soft pinks, oranges and blue as the sun is about to set.

"Stand right there" David tells me, I turn to face him wondering what the problem is and he snaps a picture.

"Are you going to send it to Daniel and make a mean meme out of me again?" I huff recounting the last time.

"That was once! And it's not my fault he thinks your sport team sucks Maddie but you look so adorable with the sunset behind you I couldn't resist" he shrugs allowing the cabin crew to take our luggage onto the jet.

"For the record I was only wearing the sports jersey cause it was your favourite team!" I accuse.

"I know that and I made that picture my screensaver and now it's being replaced by this one" after tapping away on his phone he takes my hand leading me aboard.

"Are you ready to begin exploring the world with me?" I ask him the excitement clear in my voice.

"I'm more than ready to start this adventure with you" he smiles and I turn round one last time to view Havelock my home town for the last twenty six years as sad as it is to leave it behind for two months I'm so ready to make this journey with David.

Right now I am completely content. I know that as soon as we landed it would all become a blur of travelling.


And I was right.


The past weeks abroad had passed so blissfully and quickly like the wind in my hair in Amsterdam standing underneath windmills and riding our tandem bike beside the banks.

I remembered quick flashes from our times on the beach in Spain sandy toes and salty kisses, mornings spent making simplistic custom breakfast and sharing it in bed or on the balcony.

Lounging round the Louvre and selfies with Mona Lisa.

The late night drinks in Vienna after watching the opera.

Kayaking off the coast of Croatia.

I remembered the flowers he'd picked and presented to me in Germany as I weaved them in my hair and kept them pressed in my books.

Hiking in Greece and watching the sunset together.

But what I remembered the most was our forever growing intimacy that wasn't just sexual but the increasing feelings of love that was consuming me when I think of him, look at him, when we touch, when I'm around him. I couldn't help it and I didn't think it was possible in the beginning but I felt myself start to fall uncontrollably in love with David Lawson and I honestly couldn't wait till I could marry him.

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