Chapter 24

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Summer's POV

"So there's basically three other David's?" I ask my sister over the screen, sometimes I miss her but her emails and FaceTime made up for it. Thanks to technology I never have to actually tell her I miss her.

"Well they're his half brother's they're hardly clones of him"

"Can you imagine the amount of testosterone they have combined? Are they just as gorgeous, you know the silent brooding thing David has going on?"

"Summer! I'm not discussing this with you, shouldn't you guys have left already?"

"Madison! How long do you think it takes to get to Italy? We'll be there in time for our first dress appointment just trust me. Our bags are packed and everything" rolling my eyes at her. I know what I'm doing.

"I'm planning a wedding on a time limit, it's been relaxed and stress free so far don't eff it up Summer"

"What you don't swear now?" I tease her.

"Maddie? Are you hungry?" I can hear David in the background he comes into view kissing her neck, she leans into him, smiling.

"I can afford to watch a proper porno, I don't need to see you two"

"Bye" David says not taking his eyes off my sister as he closed the laptop ending the call.

"How rude" I mumble, not really caring instead checking out my reflection on the black laptop screen. Should I get a fake tan to prepare my skin for Italy, risk looking like an orange or let the Italian sun have its way with my delicate pale skin. I want to look perfect for the wedding, think of all the photos that'll be taken I have to look my best.

Especially on Daniel's arm.

It's important we look good in these photos they'll show me as Summer Evans, a woman engaged to Daniel Kincaid not Summer Evans the escort.

Escorting life is in my past, despite some of the girls trying to lure me back. I'm living the life I was always destined to, I mean Daniel caters to my every need and dream. No worries about money or wearing hand me downs nada. He makes me feel so loved and cherished that part of me still can't believes he loves me back. Hell he's bought me this shop and apartment in the city to sell my jewellery. He believes in me. Every girl needs a Daniel, maybe I set feminism back by loving a man catering to my needs but I love it and I love him.

"Hey babe!" Daniel calls out appearing a second later in jeans and a polo.

"Hey Prince Charming, finished with your mergey stuff?" Wrapping my arms around his neck welcoming him with a kiss.

"Mergers and Acquisitions but you listening is what counts, ready to leave?"

"Do we have time for a quick one?" Batting my eyelids

"No but I can make it quick" he grins turning me around, lifting my dress, lowering my thong and bending me over the counter not taking long to release himself.

"How was that for a quick one?" He grins lifting me onto the counter, his fingers disappearing inside of me, he works double time to get me where I need to be just as I come.

"I never knew you could be that quick? Could save us a lot of time in the morning"

"I can but I like the way you moan when I tease you and prolong your orgasm" biting my earlobe he's got that cocky look on his face.

"We have a plane to catch, we'll pick up where we left off on the plane" he promises, taking both our luggage downstairs.

And we picked it back up in the back of the car, in the plane and even in the toilets at the airport when we landed. Fixing my hair trying to make it look like I hadn't been sucking my fiancés dick and then some in the disabled cubicle at an Italian airport. The look on my sister's face as she spots us in the crowd reveals I did not do a good job.

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