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Five Years Later

Peeping into the kitchen I smile watching our four year old Ava bopping on the kitchen counter while David danced like a goofy chimp holding Bella our three year old.

Like I predicted years ago, David is wonderful with our daughters.

"Hi babygirls" Picking up a giggling Ava kissing her tanned cheeks brushing her dark curls out of her face and kissing Bella on her head. David smiles at me and I can't wait till we're alone. Putting the kids down in the armchairs they insisted we bring into the kitchen. He pulls me into his arms kissing my neck before my lips, cradling my bump.

"This might be our last holiday alone for a while before Tristan is born" he sighs into my hair. Pulling my head up to give him a look.

"I didn't realise we'd decided on his name already" raising my eyebrows at him

"It's between Tristan or Elijah" he shrugs

"Well thank you for consulting me" I roll my eyes at him, I like those names but I don't admit it just yet or he'll get cocky.

"Knock Knock!" Daniel and Summer come into the kitchen with Indigo-David their three year old and Millie their one year old.

"Remind me to take away their keys" he sighs into my hair, his hand caressing my bump. Since the first time I told him I was pregnant, three months after our wedding, he'd been protective and loved touching my bump.

As small of a gesture it is, it makes me happy.

"Is that how you talk to your babysitter's, Ava's godparents huh?" Daniel questions picking Ava up, spinning her around, much to her delight.

"We would've asked Alex and Ruby but Lexi and Henry have chicken pox, and Dad and Maisie are enjoying their honeymoon in Spain" I tell them enjoying annoying them.

"Anyone else you want to add?"

"Well Trish-"

"Shut up David" Daniel says in a sing song voice playing with the kids.

"So are you excited to go to Florence?"



"It was a surprise" David groans.

"Baby brain" she shrugs not at all sorry

"Yeah right, it's payback for spoiling South Africa for you" I roll my eyes, smiling at Bella playing with her cousins while Ava is playing with her Uncle Daniel's beard, which according to her is like a teddy bear. I'm just going to take her word for it.

"Well now you know what it's like to have a surprise ruined for you"

"Oh come on I'd just had Ava when you were going on your honeymoon and I sincerely apologised"

"Aviator you don't want to hear Mummy and Auntie Summer argue do you?" Daniel asks Ava, a nickname given by David when our four year old professed she would be a pilot when she's older. She definitely has her father's determination.

"No fighting Mummy" she tells me seriously. My bossy daughter is as cute as a button.

"Anything for you" I tell her honestly stroking her soft cheeks.

"I still need to finish packing" David announces giving Summer Millie back.

"Now that I know where I'm going I'll pack, otherwise we'll have another Costa Rica incident on our hands" giving David a pointed look.

"You looked beautiful in those bikinis I don't see what the problem was" he mutters still believing bikinis and lingerie is appropriate for a seven day holiday.

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