Chapter 26

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David's POV

I can't stop fidgeting.

Rather than being my calm collected self, my mind is in disarray.

I decide to focus my mind on something calming.

I think back to this morning when Summer knocked on the door barging inside telling me to get out so she can make Maddie look like such a masterpiece that I would give her a crown for being an amazing artist. I guess being cocky runs in the family but who am I to talk.

True to her word when I returned from Daniel and Summer's room where I had been banished to. I know I definitely said something along the lines of all hail Queen Summer because by the dressing table stood my future wife.

Smiling at me almost nervously in a gorgeous and fitting gold dress that complemented her titan hair that had been straightened, I knew I had found the one that made me believe in love. Rather than think about what happens next and our rehearsal dinner I focus on that memory of Maddie smiling and looking at me expectantly because that woman could be carrying our child.

The five boxes in my hand hold the answer.

I'm surprisingly nervous especially for someone who doesn't have to urinate on a stick.

Or have to have a human growing inside of me for nine months.

We've been together for nine months and that feels like a life time I couldn't imagine being pregnant for that long.

I know Maddie doesn't want children right now but there's been a lot of baby talk recently which she hasn't shut down or discouraged. Even her outburst last week about me being a good father has me curious into her recent and current feelings about having children. But the least I can do for her is not look too excited, just in case she feels unsure. I don't want to pressure her into having a child no matter how much I want this.

Walking back to our hotel room, I open the door half expecting to find Maddie where I left her on the bed.

Instead on the bed is my briefcase wide open.

What is going on?


No response.

Looking through my briefcase I immediately realise what is missing.

The contract.

I can smell smoke.

Rushing to the bathroom I find Maddie setting fire to our contract.

She doesn't look smug or even happy, she looks upset what is going on?

"Maddie what are you doing?" I try to ask calmly not liking the fact she could've put herself or our possible child in danger playing with fire.

"I spoke to Fleur" her voice full of emotion.

This doesn't bode well.

"What did she say to you?" I ask cautiously.

"The truth, something you evidently didn't bother with! You and Fleur? I don't know what's worse knowing I'm a home wrecker or the fact that I found out from Fleur!"

"Home wrecker? Whatever she told you wasn't the right version of events. You are not a home wrecker Maddie I swear to you"

"You swear? Is that supposed to mean something?" She scowls pouring water over the now burnt and ruined contract, putting out the small fire. I try to move towards her but she takes a step back.

"Can we talk about this, I need to know what she told you, Maddie" I'm not liking where this is going. Putting down the pregnancy tests on the counter knowing that isn't a priority right now.

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