Chapter 16

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Madison's POV

I barely hear Grayson explaining they wanted a His & Hers travelling piece for every country we visited before Helen my department manager calls me into her office where she formally tells me I have the job and have seventy two hours to accept as if this were a spy mission.
I felt somewhat uncomfortable knowing I'd be travelling and working very closely with Grayson but I didn't have a legitimate explanation so dismissed it for now, till I had a chance to talk with David.

As lunchtime was about to whirl around I gather my things getting ready to head to David's building.

"Want to grab lunch?" Grayson asks making me jump a little from surprise. He usually ate with the other eight guys in our department maybe after yesterday he thought I might need company?

"Not today, I already have a lunch buddy"

"Maybe tomorrow, after all we're going to be spending a lot of time together soon" he winks, I smile at him and head out of the office ready to catch a bus when I see Fleur looking bored and unimpressed with a sleek dark grey Mercedes.

He did not.

"Hey Fleur, what are you doing here?" Fleur was more Paula's nurse than David's assistant, I would've expected Trish his actual assistant to be here and I would've preferred it too. Trish and I were actually friends we shared similar interests and read the same books, hell we'd even exchanged sex tips with each other. Whereas Fleur looked at me like I stunk of rotting flesh.

"Don't act dumb, David bought you a car" she tosses me the keys and I'm dumbfounded, I can't exactly say I don't want it especially since I had was the feeling Fleur would try to scratch out my eyes, whatever her problem was today.

"Okay, thank you?" She doesn't respond she just heads in the general direction of the bus
"Do you need a lift somewhere?" I offer which is met with more steeliness.

"I'll take my chances with the bus thanks"

"Fleur have I done something wrong?" I blurt out, the six nearly seven months with David had been bliss apart from the obvious cold attitude from Fleur.

"You wouldn't understand" she rolls her eyes and as I'm about to question her the bus comes along which she wastes no time climbing onto giving me a look of triumph.

Damn I really had to not let her get under my skin.

Turning back to the car I notice the number plates, M4DD1E, of course. I can't help but smile as I get in and start the smooth engine, the black leather interior is honestly so beautiful I feel really spoilt as I drive to David's determined not to fall in love with the car so I could give it back.

The receptionist acknowledges me as she lets me into the elevator. It's not long before I'm knocking on David's door met with a steely "come in" was everyone in a bad mood today?
Whatever mood David was in was lifted when he sees me.
"Lock the door" he orders, loosening his tie, removing his cuff links and unbuttoning his shirt, he beckons me over after I lock the door
"My twelve o clock stress reliever is here" he smirks kissing my neck and I'm about to melt when I remember the car.

"Before I forget, you can have this back" I place the keys in his palm and he groans in frustration.

"Maddie don't do this; do you expect me to let you wander around the streets on the bus or by foot?"

"I have a car!"

"It's not a car it's trash!"

"Don't be rude! It's not trash"

"It is literally a pile of junk, it's an original Nissan micra for goodness sake! I'm offering you an E Class Mercedes what's wrong with that?"

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