Chapter 7

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🔹Dedicated to lazy03 ☺️

"This is going to be the best night of my existence!" I'm glad someone felt excited to be going to Havelock Club and to rub shoulders with the sneery aristocrats of Havelock. But then again Summer, bless her cotton socks, sometimes got excited a bit too easily, it was one of her great qualities.

"Your whole existence? Really? You've only existed for twenty three years"

"And how mundane they have been until TONIGHT! Thank you David! can I call you David?"

"Considering you just did call me David, I think it's okay for you to call me David" he smirks as he drives us to the club, as expected one hand was on the steering wheel the other was resting on my thigh where the slit in my dress revealed skin.

"Urgh you two are perfect for each other with your sarcastic comments and whatever" she mumbles from the back of the car, comments like these made me want to withdraw myself from him, even though I said I'd give him a chance, this was strictly a temporary deal I didn't want to 'catch any feelings' or anything that would jeopardise my sanity at the end.

"Shut up Summer or I'll tell the women at the Club that you're not a natural strawberry blonde" I tease

"You wouldn't dare!" She gasps as if hair colour was such an important factor in life.

"We're here ladies" David states almost ominously, the valet takes his car. Summer doesn't even bother waiting for us she's already being led inside the huge building by some handsome stranger. Posing and smiling for the press waiting at the stairs calling out nosey questions

"Ready?" David asks taking my hand in his as we walk up the steps together

"Does it matter?"

"Yes it matters to me, are you ready?" He stops in the middle of the steps and turns to face me.

"You're blocking the way" I point out, the press were having a field day with this moment calling out questions asking who I was and whether we were engaged, blah blah blah, David ignored them

"I don't care, there are other entrances they can use. Are you ready?" He repeats, at his words people turn away from the steps and go to the supposed other entrances

"Come on let's just go" I turn to continue up the steps

"I don't want to go if you're not ready" he pulls me back into place and even a little closer to him, I can smell his aftershave and I want to fall into his arms, the scent reminded me that he was here with me as dumb as that sounded.

"I'm ready as long as you're here" I take his hand and I realise I just said something gushy and emotional to him and I was holding his hand. He sees my discomfort and he kisses me to make me forget and simply feel longing and desire.

"Let's go" I tug him up the steps towards the open door, inside is almost as beautifully decorated as the great hall in Harry Potter, there were candles everywhere and the glass ceiling allowed us to look into the clear night sky and the stars that decorated it so celestially. It seemed as soon as we entered, eyes became transfixed on us by the many people in the room, on me, on our hands and on my ring.

"That's the little country bumpkin David Lawson's being dragged down by"

"You can put a dog in a designer dress but it will still be a mangy old dog"

"Urgh is that even her real hair colour? I bet she dyed it"

Those are only the few of the comments said amongst the crowd, David tenses up next to me and I know he wants to blow. I start to giggle, I just can't help it

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