Chapter 6

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"You've hardly said anything all day and that's a first for you" David murmurs into my ear snuggling into the sofa with me.

"That's not true I can be silent at times"

"Yes I'm aware of that but I know when something's wrong" After arguing with Alex I was left feeling a bit on edge there were few people that Alex would bring in to try and 'convince me' and I didn't want to see any of those people. Lunch, dinner, the card games and monopoly with David and his mother had eased up some of that edge though.

"How would you know?" I grumble into his chest

"Because when you're upset you fidget constantly especially with your hair and you tap your left foot excessively"

"You notice those things?" I sit up and look at his hazel eyes with the green flecks the way they looked at me with intent, his easy assuring smile

"Yes I do notice those small things about you, are you going to tell me then?"

"It's just Alex being a pain"

"From my experience he's always a pain there's something more. Tell me" he orders

"I don't have to tell you anything" I close up

"You don't have to but you can, I'm here"

"Well I'm not going to"

"Why do you always do that? Close up just after a little breakthrough?" He leans in closer wiping my hair out of my face. It hadn't been that long but I was worried that I was starting to feel something for him.

"I don't" I try to pull away but he holds me in grasp

"Don't pull away from me. Physically or emotionally"

"I think I'm going to go to bed, are you going to let go of me or-" I don't even get a chance to finish cause he throws me over his shoulder

"Or am I going to carry you to bed?" He snickers running up the stairs

"Shush! Paula's sleeping!" I can't help but giggle, he throws me on the bed joining me in laughter although now that I think about it I'm not too sure what's funny.

"You're beautiful Maddie" he kisses my forehead, in between my brows, tip of my nose, my left cheek then right before hesitating on my lips

"It's Madison" I pull him into an passionate embrace, his dominating personality comes forward as he pins me down underneath him. His kisses make me moan, his fingers start to work their magic on my core the pulsing rhythmic feeling drives me crazy

"Moan for me, scream for me" he orders half moaning himself

"I can't, Paula might hear" I cry trying to control my speech as he continues to use his fingers to devastate me

"She won't, I want to hear you moan for me" I bury myself in his chest and cry out as I start to orgasm, he shudders from desire

"I really want you right now" I whisper in his ear

"The feeling is mutual" he laughs as I unzip his jeans while he unzips mine. Our passion was nothing like our engagement it was real, he'd please my body and I'd please his and together it would create something harmonious.

"Are you hungry or thirsty? For food and liquids not me" he asks tracing shapes on my thigh

"Ha ha so funny, and I wouldn't mind a glass of wine or something"

"I'll get us some wine and some glasses I won't be long, try not to miss me" he winks

"Cheeky dick" I mutter

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