Chapter 4

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I pull away from David and push away his hands from the intimate places they'd been in as Josh practically kicks my door open.

"Josh what the fuck get out of my room!" I yell at him but he doesn't move and he's joined by a small group of Alex's friends who all happened to be farmers from the three other farms in Havelock

"So it's true you're with the rich prick now?" Josh seems to be the spokesman for the stupid

"The rich prick is called David Lawson" David sits up in the bed looking annoyed and I sit up with him, this was the third time we'd been interrupted today and it didn't bode well with me.

"Josh take yourself and your dumb posse out of my room"

"He gets to be in your room, why can't we? Is it cause we're poor?" He hisses coming closer towards us

"If it's any of your business, David is my fiancé he's welcome in my room you're not"

"It should be my business, he's not right for you, he's not good for you" where did I hear that before

"How would you know what's good for me, what's right for me? I'm capable of choosing a guy for myself without any input" I seethe starting to get really mad, I can tell David wants to jump in his whole body is tensing but he's holding back

"Cause I could be good for you I could be right for you! I asked you out and you said that you weren't looking to date you never gave me a chance, you never gave any of us a chance, I want a chance Madison" he demands

"I don't have to explain myself to you Josh or any of you! I've made my choice so respect that and if you can't then go fuck yourselves or better still go fuck each other"

"I know who I'd rather fuck" Brody, Josh's brother grins while high fiving some of the other guys and they wonder why I didn't go out with any of them. I'd known them all for years and they were all pretty immature plus it would feel a little incestuous dating any of them.

Before I know what's going on David's no longer beside me he's got Brody pinned up against my closet a couple of inches above the ground.

"Do you think you're funny? Do you want to make that comment again?" He growls in his face and Brody looks petrified

"Do you see what he's like Madison!" Another one of the lads piped up

"David put him down!" I command trying to get him to calm down

"Not till he apologises to you" he hisses

"I'm sorry Madison" he chokes struggling with his speech

"It's okay Brody" David releases his grip of him still glaring at him

"I think you should get out my room now" I advise, they actually listen and file out one by one like dogs with their tails between their legs. I turn on David once they leave arms crossed

"I listened"


"You said I don't listen and I've proven that I do as I let you speak for yourself rather than just jump in" I'm impressed he actually did listen

"Thank you for listening, even if you did manhandle Brody"

"Well he shouldn't of spoken to you like that he was asking for it, they were all pissing me off they're lucky they made it out unscathed"

"Do you hear yourself!" I laugh at him

"What's so funny?" He asks with a poker face

"They're lucky they made it out unscathed? Who do you think you are?"

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