Chapter 22

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Madison's POV

Laying on David's bare chest in a bubble bath with his arms around me, surrounded by vanilla candles and his lips nibbling my ear was definitely not where I thought we would be when he'd first walked in with his bloodied fist.

Especially after our screaming match.

The makeup sex had been worth it though. I'd told him I love him, even if it slipped out in a moment of anger.

"Maddie?" He murmurs in my ear.


"I love you"

Now this moment is perfect. I turn my head back to kiss him and I realise I don't want to wait any longer.



"Let's get married"

"That's why there's a ring on your finger my little Einstein"

"No, I mean let's get married soon like actually set a date and stuff" this causes David to sit up now that he fully understands what I'm saying.

"Okay, when and where?"

"Well I don't want to wait any longer and Paula's flying here soon..." I trail off

"You want to get married next week in Italy?"


"You don't seem sure" he teases

"Fine! I want to get married next week Sunday in that hotel Trish was going to book us in!" I blurt out not wanting to admit it'd been on my mind for a while.

"Wait, have you been thinking about our wedding Maddie Evans?" I don't have to look at him to know he's smiling, hugging me in his arms I can't help but smile too.

"Well Trish was asking about our wedding and then I kinda just started planning it in my head"

"So we're getting married next week Sunday in The Villa Cora? Anything else?"

"You remember the hotel?"

"Considering you've been googling the venue next to me in bed, yes I remember I thought you were having second thoughts about staying here or you were booking a rendezvous location for you and Grayson" elbowing him in his ribs seem to let him know my opinion on that.

"I told you months ago I want to marry you! Why would I throw away everything we have for Grayson" I huff even if it was a joke that he thought I would do that.

"Maddie I know you aren't like that, you know I'm just a jealous guy, I'm sorry I even said it"

"For the record if I were to have an affair I wouldn't book a rendezvous room in a five star hotel, it'd be more like a B&B-"

"Maddie Evans I will drown you if you finish that sentence" I snort at his empty threat and he starts laughing too.

"Let's get back to wedding planning and forget him"

"I never thought you'd get so excited over wedding planning"

"Well I never thought I'd be getting married least of all to you, yet here we are, so guests wise who do you want to invite?"

"Close family, as you know I have more business associates than friends so I am content with a small wedding"

"Perfect, close family and the small handful of friends we actually have so off the top of my head Paula, Darius and no arguments he's invited, Dad, Maisie, Alex, Ruby, if they feel comfortable flying with Lexi I guess, Daniel, Summer, Trish and her girlfriend Georgia as her plus one anyone else?"

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