Chapter 5

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"She's wearing your ring!" She starts to laugh with happiness till a few tears slip down her cheeks. Unsure of what to say I turn to David whose gaze is fixed on his Mum and he's grinning. I was making a family happy possibly bringing them closer together.

"I proposed to her this afternoon after I picked you up from the hospital" he grins hugging us both tightly

"Well you shouldn't call me Paula then, call me Mum" she hugs me again much more tighter

"What's going on? What's with all the noise are you okay Paula?" Fleur walks in and it's like her eyes are drawn to the ring on my finger

"David and Madison are getting married!"

"Congratulations" she smiles tightly "I think I'm going to take tonight off I'll be back early tomorrow morning" she nods curtly and leaves

"Well I'm not having all this food go to waste sit down, eat, drink and be merry" she ushers us to the dining table

"This roast smells amazing" I compliment as David starts carving the roast beef and sharing the food out

"Mum's an amazing cook"

"You'll make my head swell David, Chef Johnson did all the hard work, now where and how did you meet?"

"He stole my sandwich" my mouth automatically blurts out and Paula laughs loudly

"You stole her sandwich?" She asks amused

"I stole her sandwich but it was an accident" he grins

"I was waiting in the hospital cafeteria queue for a chicken and stuffing sandwich the last one and just as I'm about to order your son swoops in and takes the last one-"

"Leaving you with a nasty cheese sandwich and mineral water but I made it up to her Mum I shared half of the sandwich with her later on the roof"

"What were you both doing up on the roof?"

"Trying to find an escape from the world and I did I found Maddie"

"Yeah, he found me, Madison"

"Why did you wait so long to introduce us to each other?"

"I wanted to make sure we were definitely serious about each other before I decided that the two most important women in my life would meet"

We continued to talk throughout dinner and dessert getting to know each other better. I listened to her tell embarrassing childhood stories about David much to his chargin and exchanged some of my own stories.

"We'll clean up Mum you go pick a movie for us to watch" David helped her to the front room while I cleared away the plates

"She loves you" He grins coming into the kitchen to help me clean up

"I love her too she's great, you can wash and I'll dry"

"You don't know where all the plates and cutlery go"

"Urgh I hate washing" I grumble

"I can tell" he kisses my forehead, his lips and hands on my waist linger and I duck out of his embrace he half grunts half snarls like an animal

"You sound like an animal" I laugh as I start to wash the plates and cutlery handing them to him to dry and put away

"No I don't, it was a sound of frustration"

"Frustration?" I toy with him

"Yes frustration cause I haven't been able to have alone time with my fiancé"

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