Chapter 17

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Summer's POV

Summer Kincaid.

Suh-mer Kin-cayd

S u m m e r.  K i n c a i d


It sounds so right.

But we'd be so wrong.

The bachelor and the escort.

The bachelor and the escort try monogamy.

The bachelor and the escort try love?

The bachelor and the escort try marriage?

Sounds like a romcom I would pay to see that or have my date pay to see.

I'm so over thinking this.

So Daniel hasn't been his usual lovelorn self. Doesn't mean he knows about me. Madison said herself that he didn't know anything.

But maybe she was protecting him?

They've gotten pretty cosy, the best of mates, going out for lunch alone, hanging out at each other's houses.

Not that I'm jealous of Madison, she's still well Madison there's nothing to be jealous of. I got the gorgeous wavy strawberry blonde hair, I got the award winning smile and the social skills so of course I'm not jealous.

But still I wouldn't mind if she was here right now...I knew she was feeling a little jet lagged she had just come back with David and Daniel from their weekends trip to Canada. They went to see a game or something. Maybe I was jealous of my sister.

Dad, Alex and Maisie were out in the farm, Ruby was doing desk work considering she looked like she was gonna pop. I didn't know where that loser Jack was but who cares.
Daniel wasn't answering my texts, Madison  said she'd call me later sounded pretty intense from what I heard David wasn't happy about something. How can someone so sexy be so moody all the time? Especially after a weekend away? Dodged a bullet there.

None of the girls were responding probably because they were out on dates. Most were escorts and others just enjoyed saying they were 'feminists' because having lots of sex liberated them, when in truth they had no interest in equality, they just liked sex.

My phone beeps with life.

I hope it's Daniel!

It was Ryan Priestly.


Confirming my attendance to the Havelock Annual Charity Ball, one of the many fundraisers our town loved to host. Obvs I've wanted to go to this Ball since I was old enough to read the Havelock Society Column. Though I had hoped I'd be on Daniel's arm not Ryan's, but I'll take what I'm given.

Had it been a couple of months earlier I'd've been over the moon that the biggest car salesmen for miles was interested in me. I'd even try to get him to date me. But now Daniel had come along and ruined my borderline sexual lifestyle. Being an escort just wasn't as fun anymore not if it could potentially ruin something amazing. That was the issue, I had no way of being Daniel or getting inside his head to know what he truly thought of me. Being an escort and trying to have a relationship with a man were not two things I'd encourage or suggest mixing, I hadn't even been doing it that long but it started confusing me. Urgh being alone with my thoughts was dangerous, I had to distract myself.

Making my way downstairs walking fast, leads me to start humming a thousand miles when another voice starts humming the violin part. My eyes narrow when I see the voice belongs to Jack he's helping himself to some of my ice cream stash much to my disdain

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