Chapter 12

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Summer's POV

"You haven't said much over dinner" Ryan Priestly places his hand over mine attempting to gain my attention, he's a great client, pretty sexy too and under any other circumstance I soo would've slept with him.

But the past few weeks hanging out with Daniel Kincaid, had some sort of effect on me. Like he's constantly a part of my mind and I'd find myself thinking about him almost all the time for example when I'm on a date with a high paying client. I look up at Ryan's expectant face awaiting an answer.

"Sorry I was thinking about dessert" I lie, forcing a smile on my face, think of the money Summer, but think about the look on Daniel's face if he knew what I did part time.

"Well so was I, I booked a hotel room...if you're interested?" He smiles genuinely not like some of the other clients too cheap to go to a prostitute hoping I'd put out at the end of the night. Not that that made me a prostitute or anything, if I like the goods I have why not use them?

My phone buzzed, momentarily distracting me from Ryan's question,

"Do you mind if I check? It could be a family emergency we've been having a few too many of them lately" It was very annoying that Alex had such a problem with David getting married to Madison but it certainly made life on a farm much more interesting than it had been in a while.

Daniel👅💦: Hey so what are you doing right now? I'm thinking of you😚 date tomorrow night?

I tried to keep a smile off my face, Daniel was thinking of me I feel myself blushing, I hate that I had the ginger genes in me

"Is something the matter?" Ryan enquires gently

"I need to cut our date short" I murmur concentrating more on responding to Daniel than Ryan, whatever happened to the client came first? Well Daniel Kincaid happened...

🙈Thinking naughty thoughts about you too... Free right now if you want to hang out😏xx

"Sure, we can always reschedule, I do however have a favour to ask of you" he gets the bill paying for it swiftly we wait outside the restaurant for his town car.

"Which is?"

"The Annual Havelock Charity Ball, I want you to accompany me" now those words definitely caught my attention, since I was a little girl I dreamed of going to this ball, everyone who was anyone in Havelock would be there and many of the exclusive prominent families around the country were invited. First Havelock Club now the Charity Ball? Oh my gosh, I could really make my mark in Havelock and be more than just an escort. This would escalate my life plans by three years.

"I look amazing in a deep red dress" I smile as seductively as I can

"Is that a yes then, I'd pay double your usual rate of course" he pleads, it was just a game of chase all I had to do was make them want me enough to pay up and Ryan was willing to pay up

"It's a yes, I'd love to come" I try not to squeal

"How soon do your family need you back?" His hungry eyes roam my body in the tight black dress I had on

"Pretty soon, I need to get going" the car pulls up and he opens the door for me, I can tell he'd much rather be having a hot and sweaty session in the back of the car rather than the polite chit chat we're currently engaging in.

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