Chapter 15

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"Thank God you're home!" Before I know it I'm being pulled into his arms, his embrace tight as if I could easily disappear, the smell of his aftershave is familiar and endearing.
"I really thought you were going to leave, I'm so sorry about what I said I was so stupid and careless" David Sawyer Lawson usually so calm, collected and calculating was rambling and apologising.

"Ouch David you're hugging me way too tight!" He finally lets me out of his bear hug, his arms still round my waist.
"I do still think we need to talk about today" I muster and his face drops a little before becoming hard again.

"You know you can't break up with me right? It's against your contra-"

"I wasn't breaking up with you David! But it doesn't help our relationship if you're going to throw in my face that this is a contractual obligation! Can we just go to our room and talk please?" I lock my car and make my way up the stairs into my house, only briefly stopping when I realise I said 'our room'

"Mum and Darius have gone out for dinner" David can't mask his distaste when he says Darius' name which explains the house's silence. I lay down on the bed and it dips a little when David joins me.

"How did things go with Darius?"

"He's just sperm, like any other donor, he's not my father or anything to me" he shrugs his body moving a little closer to mine, damn I do miss his touch.

"So you don't want to get to know him or anything?"

"I don't have any interest no, I'm more concerned about what is going on between us" the remaining distance between us no longer exists I'm in his arms again with my back to his chest he lays delicate kisses down my neck to my collarbone, my skin reacts immediately and my insides squirm.

I really had to concentrate.

"I just really had to do that" he murmurs huskily and I want nothing more than to let him ravish me. Not everything is about sex and feeling good I remind myself.

"We can continue later-"

"So there is a later?"


"When you said we needed to talk, my stomach dropped, I'm really not used to all these feelings you give me" his nose traces my neckline as his lips brush against my neck.

"Are you mad I've made you human?" I can't help but laugh at the fact he's almost sulky.

"I'm not mad, it's a different experience not feeling or even being in control"

"You can have your control back soon, fear not" I turn to give him a peck on the lips he puckers for another.

"So what did you want to talk about?" David prompts.

"I should've told you Darius was your Dad, I didn't know he was so rich or that you knew of him but I wanted to respect Paula's wishes"

"I can admit I overreacted, you have no obligations to tell me things that undermine Mum's wishes. I spoke to her and she assured me you didn't keep this from me cause you wanted to. We respect and please Mum differently, you keep your word and I blackmail a beautiful woman into being my fiancé"

"Except..." I trail of

"Except what?"

"Except maybe the beautiful woman would like to be your wife some day?" I already know I'm blushing and can't quite bring myself to look at what I can only guess is a smirking face.

"Is that right?" Yep, I could actually hear the smirk in his voice.

"Well maybe" before I can even finish my sentence David has me pinned underneath him as he holds down my hands.

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