Chapter 2

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I waited for him to text back his address, I couldn't believe I was really going to do this. But what choice did I have? I was doing this for my family, this doesn't make me a whore or a bad person I repeat like a mantra in my head till he texts me and I drive straight there.

His house was large, guarded by black marble gates probably to keep his admirers out. I'd never seen a house this big especially just for one person. I waited at the gate for my car to be buzzed in

"Maddie?" I hear his smug voice through the buzzer

"No, but Madison is here" I roll my eyes as the gates open and I park right in front of the steps leading to the front door. My ancient Nissan Micra looked a wreck next to his suave black Jeep.

"I thought you'd rather be homeless?" He startles me slightly still wearing a navy blue suit leaning against the door frame watching me like his prey I don't know whether that made me feel uncomfortable or not.

"Well that was until Alex was going to use his baby fund to try and bail out the farm and my Dad started crying. I blame you for this mess" I tell him irate grinding my teeth

"I'm sorry to hear about that but you can't blame me for their mistakes"

"It wasn't his fault-" I realise that if I start to go into detail about us losing the farm I might cry and I couldn't let the enemy see me weak

"You didn't come here to defend your Dad, come inside" I follow him inside I try to hide the fact I'm impressed with the interior and instead silently follow him into what looks like his office he sits behind the desk and gestures for me to sit in the chair in front of the desk.

"I have a proposition for you" I tell him, I'd been thinking about it during the whole drive here, I wasn't going to be his subservient fiancé

"Let's hear it then" he smirks slightly

"I'll be yours for a week, I'll satisfy your manly needs for seven days in exchange for the farm"

"I like the sound of that" he smiles

"So do we have a deal?"


"But you said you like the sound of it!"

"I do but I only liked one part, the part where you'd be mine I'm not really certain about the seven days but I'm willing to negotiate"

"Negotiate?" I laugh at him "who do you think you are?"

"The man who has the power to save or destroy your farm that's who" I stop laughing he has a point, a very valid point

"Fine negotiate"

"You'll be mine in exchange for the farm, compliant to all my wishes and I'll pay off your debts even give your family a little something to start up the farm and guarantee future success"

"What about the fiancé stuff?"

"You'll still be my fiancé, I want you to spend at least a couple of nights a week here, meet Mum, I want you to accompany me to events, go out in public with me, treat me like I'm your fiancé"

"That was you negotiating?"

"I think I've been rather generous"

"Generous to yourself" I mutter

"What do you want Maddie?"

"Madison you know my name is Madison and I want it to be a one off thing and I'm yours"

"For a week"

"Yeah starting now if you like"

"How about you'll be mine and be my fiancé I like that much better"

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