Chapter 8

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Summer's POV

"I told you I could get you naked without me taking your clothes off" I don't even have to turn around to know that Daniel was smirking as I lay down on the massage table and he starts to work his magic on my shoulders and back. I knew from the moment Madison texted me asking if I wanted to join her and David at Havelock Club that today was going to be amazing. So the bitchy women at the club had put a bit of a downer on my night but being introduced to Daniel Kincaid definitely made up for it. There were only a handful of bachelors in Havelock that were extremely sexy and Daniel's definitely the sexiest mofo I know. Part of me's surprised I hadn't spontaneously combusted when he asked me back to his for a night cap. But I kept my cool.

"Are you going to finish my massage or just ogle at my naked back?"

"Anything for a fine lady like you"

"I'm no lady Daniel Kincaid" I murmur, well not a proper lady, proper ladies aren't escorts, they don't get paid to be taken out by men they aren't even interested in. Being an escort never mattered or ever made me feel embarrassed until I met Daniel and I didn't want him to look down at me or feel disgusted by what I do. I don't even know why I even care so much about what Daniel would think I normally don't care about that sort of stuff but urgh I do when it comes to Daniel.

"You're a ladyboy?" He gasps with amusement

"What? I have a vagina" I laugh

"So you're a ladyboy with a vagina?"

"I'm not a ladyboy in general!"

"Prove it" he tries to say seriously but his laughter ripples through the room along with mine. I sit up trying to gain the courage I normally had whenever I was with a guy I like, my hands were trembling as I slowly removed the towel that had previously covered my modest parts dropping it to the floor.

"Is this proof enough?" I stand in front of him wearing nothing but a nervous smile and he smiles back at me removing his shirt and his trousers till he too was wearing nothing but a smile on his face. We stood there watching each other, grinning at each other in silence an experience I'd never shared with anyone before and I'd had a lot of strange experiences.

"What are we doing?" I giggle as we continue to stand there not doing anything

"I'm not a hundred percent sure, I've never been in this position before" he chuckles slightly awkwardly almost nervously at least I'm not the only one

"Kiss me and I'll know where to go from there" I grin and he cups my face in his hand kissing me in a way I hadn't been kissed before our lips didn't clash or contrast they complemented each other making it all more consuming. He pushes me gently back onto the massage table and he moves on top of me, our bodies continued to complement each all night and I'd never felt so satisfied, so complete with him. Was it strange that as we lay on the massage table half asleep that I was wishing that Daniel and I could be the next David and Madison but that sort of relationship was amazing almost unbelievable to happen once in a family let alone twice. I'd known him for a short while but I was infatuated with Daniel I just knew it and I knew it was stupid to feel this way but I did. I do. But I'm Summer Evans, if I was smart about it, maybe I'd make him become infatuated with me.
"What the actual fuck!" I heard yelling then more yelling beside me and I shot straight up to look face to face with David and I realised Daniel and I were both naked so I started to scream joining in the noise that was being made.

"David?! Get out can't you see we're in the middle of something!" Daniel yells shielding my body with his from David's view

"Yes Daniel I can clearly see that!" David yells back looking annoyed, he's not the one naked.

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