Chapter 9

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Madison's POV

Okay so maybe just maybe Summer had been right about the B&B sitting on the bed alone the room was incredibly bleak and depressing, I'm 40% sure I saw something move I kind of wish I hadn't been so quick to tell Summer to leave, her company would be better than the possible cockroaches. Along with the peeling wallpaper and thin walls that allowed me to hear my neighbours fights and really really loud sex, the room felt like a weak defence and a terrible shelter. I couldn't hide from how I was starting to feel about David, but I could hide from him. It would be incredibly stupid of me to start to feel something real for him when our 'relationship' is based on lies, urgh if my body was physically able to live without a heart I would get rid of it.

*Bang bang bang*

I almost fall off the bed with surprise and shock of the loud banging on my door, I wasn't expecting anyone and there's no way Summer could bang on a door, unless it was a murderer bashing her skull, or body against the door actually with the thickness of the paper like walls I would've heard a murder.

*Bang bang bang*

Yeah I'm definitely not opening the door to whoever's on the other side of the door...

*Bang bang bang*
"Maddie I know you're in there open up!"

"David?!" I should've known Summer would've gone running to him

"Maddie let me in!"

"Well technically there isn't a Maddie in here" I muse

"Maddie I will break this door down if you don't let me in now" David growls and I hate that it stirs up butterflies within me

"How did you even know I was here?" well the answer was obvious, Summer, note to self have a word with interfering little sister

"Please open the door Madison" he sighs without seeing his face I can't tell whether it's in annoyance or defeat

"It's unlocked" I smirk and he sheepishly opens the door, he surveys the room and I can tell he's masking his distaste which was kind cause this place isn't exactly three stars let alone one

"What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing"

"I asked first"

"I don't want you staying here, it's unsafe and quite frankly I don't feel comfortable with you living here" okay it's kind of sweet that he cares about my safety but I wasn't going to succumb to his charms

"Well thank goodness it has nothing to do with you"

"It has everything to do with me" he steps closer to me gazing into my soul directly touching my heart. Damn you David Lawson.

"I'm not going back, I know it sounds like I'm throwing a tantrum but I don't want to live under the same roof as Alex so there's no point wasting your breath trying to convince me"

"I'm not here to convince you to go back, Summer didn't exactly fill me in with what happened but I trust that you left for a proper reason but I want you to come live with me" oh, well I should've seen that coming but no way can I go live with him this ruse isn't going to last forever then what happens? Do I go back home with my tail between my legs

"I'm staying put David" I tell him firmly

"I was being cordial when I said that, you're coming to live with me regardless" he chuckles like I told him a joke

"It's sweet that you think you're going to get your own way"

"It's adorable you think it's going to go any other way" we end up glaring at each other for what felt like aggggeeeessss

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