Chapter 23

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Madison's POV

"I love you but this cake has given me the best orgasm ever" I murmur to David absolutely in love with the vanilla and white chocolate frosted cake we'd just tasted

"I graciously accept the challenge to give you an even better orgasm" wiping icing off of my lip and licking it off his finger his eyes burning into mine

"Ahem" the bakery assistant coughed and my cheeks coloured forgetting we had been speaking loud enough for her to hear.

Well this isn't embarrassing

"Is this the cake you want for your wedding?" She asks not looking either of us in the eyes her thick Italian accent clear as she speaks to us, we'd managed to find either an English translator or a bilingual Italian for all of our appointments till Darius and Paula arrive.

"Yes we'll have two tiers of this cake thank you" David speaks, sparing me from speaking, she nods and takes down notes then removes the majority of the cakes we'd sampled. Who knew cake tasting could be so fun? Actually that's dumb I'm sure everyone who loves cake loves this part.

"Well that wasn't embarrassing!" I exhale once she leaves the room, gathering the notes I'd been making about the wedding up and stuffing them in my satchel

"I think she was just as embarrassed as you" David chuckles showing no remorse

"At least the appointment is over and we've finalised the cake? It was delicious wasn't it?"

"You moaned almost as much as you did last night eating that cake"

"Oh shut up or I'll choke you with this slice of red velvet" I laugh

"Kinky, if you want to bring food into the bedroom ask nicely" he jokes rubbing his hand along my thigh

"Food in bed? Seems messy" I wrinkle my nose in distaste

"You won't know if you don't try" he shrugs looking at me as if we hadn't just feasted on seven different cakes

"As much as I would like for you to throw me down on this table and lick every inch of me we have to pick Paula and Darius up from the airport" it's like my words had fallen on deaf ears David is licking his lips his hands going further up my thigh

"Thinking about laying you on that table and licking that icing off of you is giving me a boner" he growls

"Am I supposed to be surprised you have a boner? I'd be more surprised if you didn't" I tease allowing his hand to tug at my underwear till we hear the assistant cough and I shove his hand away and turn around. Eurgh she must think we're sex freaks or something

"I've sent off all the details your cake will be delivered to the venue Saturday night latest, we've emailed you the rest of the information" she smiles her cheeks just as red as mine

"Thank you again Maria, sorry for being unprofessional" I apologise ready to run out of the store

"It's better to have a loved up couple than one who can't agree on the cake or their lives" she smiles before welcoming in another couple ready for their appointment.

"You do love the cake right? I know you loved the marble cake" I ask him leaving the store, the Italian heat hitting us full on in the face. Taking his hand in mine, he leans down to my ears his lips grazing it slightly

"The cake tasted almost as good as you do" he mutters kissing the side of my neck chastely. We walk back to the hotel despite the heat, I'd persuaded David to leave the car happy to explore without any wheels I regret not having the back of the car to mess around in

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