Chapter 10

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Madison's POV

Urgh who would've thought I'd be hiding in a boat on a lake from my family and David. Not that being untraceable in a boat would deter him, I could already see his figure waving at me from the banks trying to get my attention. How did he even get here so fast? Jack followed suit and I wanted the earth to swallow me up and put me in a different country

"I don't want to talk to either of you!" I yell, my words fell on deaf ears cause David started undressing like seduction could help him right now pfft. To my surprise David actually dove in the lake swimming towards me, I was faced with three options - one row further away, two stay put, three row towards him. So he's not exactly a friend of mine or even someone I particularly like but I found myself rowing towards him. I didn't want to be responsible for the man drowning.

"You and I need to talk, who the heck is that guy?" David demands casually helping himself into the small rowing boat soaking wet. Damn he looks sexy.

"You could've waited for me to come back to the shore" I mumble

"I'm tired of listening to your brother's pathetic excuses and I don't know who that blonde guy is but I don't like him so I automatically don't care about what he has to say"

"What were you even doing at the farm, I told you I'd make my own way back to yours"

"Funnily enough I was going to listen to you then Summer texted me saying it was an emergency, you needed me and that I needed to be here"

"And you came running?"

"And swimming and I'm convinced I'm going to have to pay for a few speeding tickets tomorrow" he chuckles

"Thank you for your effort but you didn't need to"

"You're a fighter, today you ran for the hills and to a lake, of course I needed to there's no way you can convince me to leave"

"Don't get me wrong I am a fighter but there are some things that make me a bit vulnerable this is one of them and I hate it" I sigh

"Why does it make you feel vulnerable?"

"Jack and I were probably 15 when we started going out and it was wonderful, we understood each other we both wanted to get out of here and travel the world, so fast forward a couple years we're 18 and planning on bag packing in America when I realise my period is late, I take a test and I guess you can figure out the rest" yep I became a teenage statistic

"What happened?"

"I told him I was pregnant and that I couldn't go bag packing, he said he'd be there for me that he loved me and that he wanted this, so we made plans to still go away together and when I go round to his house the next morning his mum informs me he's gone backpacking, he left me in the lurch"

"I think I understand now"

"Understand what?"

"Why you pull away, what happened after that?"

"I didn't want the baby David but I could never get rid of it then one morning three months into the pregnancy I woke up in a pool of blood"

"You miscarried?"

"Yeah I miscarried, I woke Summer and she helped me clean up and got me to the doctor's, I called Jack but he'd changed his number so he doesn't know yet" in fact the only person that knew apart from Jack, was the then 15 year old Summer

"Maddie come here" he takes me into his bare arms and bare chest may I add holding me so tightly not that I couldn't breathe

"Ew you're still a bit wet" I laugh a little through the tears

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