Chapter 13

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Madison's POV

The house was quiet, very quiet, Paula and Fleur wouldn't be back till the evening leaving just David and I.

I'd already searched upstairs and this was the final tie breaking round.

I knew David was somewhere hiding in the kitchen.

Just as I was about to ambush I feel the soft pellets hit my bum, stupid David and his extensive knowledge of the house.

"Looks like I win again, have fun doing the dishes loser" he wraps his arms around me squeezing me tight, we were hungry last night and decided to make brownies creating an unbelievable amount of mess. Understandably neither of us wanted to do the washing so David settled on hide and seek - the nerf gun addition.

"You grew up here you little cheat! There's probably a secret room hidden around here"

"Nuh uh, I've made sure we've had sex in all my favourite places in the house" he nuzzles my neck laying a few kisses

"Best out of five?"

"Not even you could seduce me into doing those dishes" David laughs

"Is that a challenge I sense?"

"That's probably my boner you're sensing" he murmurs turning me round nudging me onto the counter till I'm leaning on it and he's in between my legs. The look shared between us causes me to start blushing but our moment is interrupted by my phone.

"Ignore it"

"Could be an emergency hold on it's Summer-"

"Another update on how amazing Daniel supposedly is?"

"Just cause no body likes you doesn't mean you have to be mean to Daniel"

"You like me" he smirks with that stupid face of his

"Oh shut up" I answer the phone putting it on loudspeaker

"Everything okay?"

"No Daddy's coming home today and you're supposed to be here to greet him"

"It's been three months since he left already!" That meant I'd been David's fiancé for almost five months.

"Ah time flies when you're having fun and boning bachelors" it felt the opposite, time felt prosthetic like it just wasn't real I feel like I've known and been with David for years when it hadn't even been half a year.

What has he done to me...

"I wasn't aware the two were mutually exclusive?" I muse

"Whatever just hurry up and come home oh my gosh Alex and Ruby are still bitching about each other it almost makes living at home interesting"

"Ah my sister Summer who thrives on drama oh how I've missed hearing about it-"

"I don't appreciate your sarcasm nor do I miss it!" She hangs up on me

"Don't worry Maddie, you know who misses you?"


"The pile of dishes in the sink that will be waiting for you when we come back" he laughs at his lame joke, heading to the car

"You don't have to come you know"

"I'll always come and I'll always come with you" he winks opening the door for me

"You've spent a lot of time with Daniel this week" I can't help but laugh

"I know he rubs off on me and Declan rubs off on him"

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