Chapter 3

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"Where have you been?" Summer asks as soon as I sneak into the house "And there's no point lying everyone knows you didn't sleep here last night"

"Great" I mutter, the gossip police is ready for interrogation "Can I get have a shower first and get ready for work" Hours later when I'm almost finished wrapping up dinner, Summer pops her head back into the kitchen


"Well I'm working so if you don't mind"

"Which should of started like three hours ago, I've already done some of your workload you're welcome"

"Thanks I owe you"

"I'm going to cash that in now and ask you where you were last night? Are you and Jack back together?"

"No and no, go milk a cow or something"

"Urgh sisters are supposed to tell each other stuff!" She strops

"We do! Just not this I've got work to do" I rush out the room before she can try to guilt trip me and getting straight into my chores for the day my mind had been a little preoccupied with a certain billionaire bachelor and a night of passion but I was brought out of those daydreams by the loud voices I could hear from the kitchen.

"Dad?" I called out once I hear his raised voice with another

"He's on the porch talking to Alex and that guy that came around yesterday, the grey one" Ruby informs me when I step into the hallway.

"Mr Fennel? What's he doing here and why are they yelling?"

"All I could make out was a string of profanities and something about repossession, you don't think they're going to take the house now do you?" She frets which can't be good for the baby even if her stomach only has the slightest bump

"Don't worry about it Ruby, the baby will definitely have a roof over it's head" I make my way outside to the front of the house where I see the three in a yelling match, Mr Fennell shoving papers in Dad's reddened face and Alex trying to get in between the two

"Dad, what's going on?!"

"Madison go inside please" he begs without even looking at me

"Dad, tell me" I persist not liking the scene that's playing out

"Nothing Madison, Alex take her inside" Alex moves to take me inside I slap his arm

"I'm not six I'm twenty-six stop treating me like a simpleton!" I seethe

"Mr Evans is out of time to pay his loans I need you all to move out by the end of the day" Mr Fennell tells me at least he treats me like an adult. David's supposed to be sorting this, maybe he hasn't gotten round to it yet or maybe he'd used me last night and had no intention of helping us.

"What! We don't have to move out, we'll have the money by the end of the day seriously!" All I have to do is call David and I knew he'd sort it I hoped trying to have a bit of faith

"Where have I heard that one before" he laughed sarcastically "I don't think you're even aware of how much money he owes" he continues to laugh

"I'm not stupid I know how much we owe"

"Then you'll know it's not that easy to gather up by the end of the day, now if you don't mind I'll start with the locks" he advances towards the house but Dad and Alex block his way

"Get away from our home we'll have money by the evening I told you!" I yell back getting frustrated

"Madison just get inside we'll deal with it" Dad begs

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