adore you

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"go ahead." y/n said as she stood there, crossing her arms, waiting for billie to go on.

billie looked down at her feet as she let out a shaky sigh, slipping her hands into her pockets as she chewed on her lower lip.

noticing how nervous billie was, y/n furrowed her eyebrows. "billie? you okay?"

sighing, y/n took billie's hand. "why don't we go somewhere more private so that we can talk this out?" she questioned, glancing at the paparazzi that weren't doing a great job at hiding. billie nodded and the two of them got into y/n's car.

the drive to y/n's place was silent, definitely not a comfortable one. billie looked out the window, trying to figure out how she was going to tell y/n that she was madly in love with her.

meanwhile, y/n's mind was all over the place. why had billie lied to her? did she not want to hang out with her anymore? or maybe she was actually busy and just decided to take a break. but what if billie really did hate y/n..

shaking her head, y/n got these thoughts out of her mind when they finally reached her house. not opening the door for billie like she usually did, y/n just walked into her house, leaving billie confused and crest-fallen.

the pair quietly made their way up to y/n's room, neither of them ready to have the conversation that they were going to. they sat on the bed and y/n stared at billie, waiting for her to speak up. "so? why'd you lie to me?" she asked as she turned on faint music in the background.

billie slowly looked up at y/n and gazed into her eyes, sighing. "i don't know.." she shrugged, earning a scoff from y/n. "stop lying to me." y/n said with a straight face.

looking down at her fingers and bouncing her right leg up and down, billie let out a shaky sigh. "sorry. it's just i.." she trailed off, the words not willing to leave her mouth. tired of how difficult billie was being, y/n rolled her eyes. "can you get to the fucking point?!" she snapped, taking billie aback.

"i like you." billie blurted out, without giving it a second thought. she had finally said it. it was out there now, and she couldn't take it back. "i like you a lot, y/n. it's just- you make me so happy. i'm so in ecstasy with you, it's insane." she said as tears started streaming down her cheeks.

"billie-" y/n's face softened and she tried speaking up, only to be cut off.

"i've never felt this way with anyone before. i mean, i've been in love before. but with you it's so..different. not just because you're the same gender as i am, but i'm just really happy when i'm around you."

"bil-" she tried again, but billie cut her off once more.

"it's stupid, i know. i mean, we literally met like a month ago." billie let out a shaky chuckle, not giving any thought to the tears that were flowing down her face. "but i really fucking like you. and i know that i possibly ruined our friendship, and you probably hate me right now, but i just-"

"billie can you shut up and listen to me?" y/n chuckled as she placed her hands on billie's shoulders and shook her, finally getting the girl to pay attention to her.

"so you're down bad, huh?" y/n joked, making billie turn bright red. "i'm just messing with you baby, i like you too. like, a lot." she said, chuckling.

those words made billie's eyes light up. she stared into y/n's eyes as her breath hitched. y/n, the girl she had fallen in love with over the past month and a half, just told her that she liked her back? billie was over the moon, she never expected to fall in love again.

"are you serious? like, this isn't a joke?"

"i'm serious!" y/n laughed, earning a blush from billie. "i like you so much. i mean, you've always been my celebrity crush but ever since we actually met, i've literally felt so much towards you, it's crazy." right now, billie was as red as a tomato, and she knew y/n could see it.

"so you're not kidding?"

"i'm not!" y/n chuckled. "i can prove it to you.." she trailed off as she looked at billie's lips, while licking her own. her eyes then flicked back to billie's, noticing that she was already staring at y/n's lips.

"you can?" billie questioned softly, leaning in already, y/n humming in response.

the two of them leaned in and their lips were centimetres away. but of course, consent is important, even if it was just a kiss. "can i do this?" y/n mumbled, earning a nod from billie.

slowly leaning in, y/n closed the gap between them as the two of them shut their eyes, their lips moving in sync. y/n wrapped her arms around billie's waist and pulled her closer, billie's arms snaking around y/n's neck. "adore you" started playing and billie smiled into the kiss, pulling y/n closer if that were even possible.

the two of them pulled away a few seconds later, breathless. they looked at each other, shy smiles plastered across their faces. "i've been wanting to do that for so long." billie admitted, earning a chuckle from y/n. "me too."

"does this mean you're my girlfriend now?" billie questioned, blushing.

"yeah, if you want." y/n replied, shooting her a coy smile, making billie nod.

sighing with content, billie rested her head on y/n's shoulders. "remember when this song came on the other day when we went out to the ice cream place for the first time?" billie chuckled, making y/n nod. "yeah."

"that was the day i started catching feelings for you." billie confessed, earning a chuckle from y/n. "it was one of my favourite days ever." y/n said, billie nodding in response.

"don't you think it's a sign?" billie questioned, smiling.

"a sign for what?"

"that this is our song."


they're finally together, you're welcome, i was feeling nice when i wrote this

but who knows, i might make them break up soon

also 1k reads whatttt thank you omg

thanks for reading <3

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