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"hey baby." billie said through the facetime, making a slight smile form on y/n's lips. "how're you feeling?"

"i'm okay." y/n said, and although billie could tell she was lying, she decided not to press it.

"so, uhm.." billie started, a little nervous. "i just wanted to say that you don't have to come to the party tonight. like, if you wanna spend time with your mom or whatever before she leaves, i'd understand."

y/n stayed quiet for a few seconds, contemplating it. it had barely been a day since she'd heard about her parents getting a divorce and she certainly hadn't taken it well. but she's had sometime to think, and though she was quite pissed off, she knew it was for the best.

"no, i want to come." she finally said. "i mean, you're leaving for tour so i definitely want to spend as much time with you as i can." she said, a small smile on her lips.

"are you sure?" billie asked, genuinely concerned for y/n's relationship with her mom.

"positive." y/n replied, a smile now tugging at billie's lips as well.

"okay, well in that case, see you tonight?"

"see you tonight."


y/n walked into the house completely unaware of what to expect. it was filled with people, most of whom she didn't know. she scanned the room for a familiar face and a smile made it's way onto her lips when she noticed joshua and billie conversing in a corner.

she didn't know billie had invited him but she was glad they were getting along.

as she walked closer she was able to hear some part of their conversation over the loud music.

"there's no way you like bean burritos more than i do. i'm the number one bean burrito lover." billie spoke with a raised eyebrow, making joshua chuckle.

"prove it then." he shrugged, making billie's eyebrows furrow as she thought deeply.

y/n laughed softly as she walked closer, now in billie and joshua's line of sight. both of their eyes lit up when they saw her, and y/n found it adorable.

"sorry to interrupt this little argument but..hi." y/n said with a little smile, making billie wrap her arms tightly around y/n as she practically held onto y/n for dear life.

"hi pretty." y/n spoke as she kissed the top of billie's head, making the green haired girl blush.

"y/n." billie smiled. "you came!"

"of course i did." y/n said, her hands resting on billie's waist.

"wait, i have a question." billie said suddenly, y/n taking her hands back to herself and gesturing for billie to go on.

billie glanced at joshua and then back at y/n. "who likes burritos more? joshua or me."

y/n looked between the both of them before speaking. "no, no don't involve me in your feud. i am not answering that question."

"oh, come on. we all know it's me. you're just scared she's going to break up with you." joshua joked with an eyeroll, making y/n shove him playfully.

billie stuck her tongue out at him as she wrapped her arms around y/n's neck before facing her. "how are you, baby?" she asked, concern laced in her voice.

y/n looked down at her feet for a few seconds silently. "good." was all she said before she met billie's eyes again, noticing the genuine concern in them.

"are you sure? you can talk to me about-"

"no. it's okay." y/n cut her off with a slight nod. "i'm okay. you just..go enjoy the party, yeah? it is your party after all." she said, patting her back softly.

"but-" billie started, only to be cut off again.

"billie, i'm okay. really. just go have fun." y/n said with a smile, making billie sigh with a nod as she walked away to talk to other people.

joshua frowned at y/n before wrapping his arms around her. "you're not okay, i know you're not. and that's okay. just let yourself be not okay, y/n. you don't have to take care of everyone else all the time. sometimes, we need to take care of you."

y/n let out a shaky sigh as she rested her head on joshua's shoulder, her arms wrapped around him. "i know." was all she said as she stayed there for a few seconds, her eyes closed.

"i'll be fine." she mumbled a few seconds later, pulling away from the hug. "okay, no more sulking." y/n spoke as she forced a smile onto her face. "we're at a party for heaven's sake. we should be enjoying ourselves!"


"y/n." billie spoke as she grabbed her hand. the younger girl turned away from her conversation with claudia and looked at billie.

"what's up?" she asked, noticing billie's smile.

"i want to introduce you to my best friends." billie spoke, and y/n looked at claudia for approval.

"go." claudia said with a smile, and y/n nodded as billie pulled her through the crowd to the other side of the room.

"wait, hold on. i thought i was your best friend?" y/n joked, dramatically placing her hand on her chest and pretending to be offended.

billie looked at her with a soft smile before kissing her cheek softly. "you are. but i've known these two since i was a little kid." she said, making y/n nod in response.

billie suddenly stopped walking, bringing y/n to a halt. y/n looked at her girlfriend, confused.

"okay, so the brunette is zoe." billie said and y/n followed her gaze with a nod. "and the blonde is drew."

billie's hands moved from y/n's wrist to her palm, such that their fingers were interlocked. "is it okay if i introduce you as my girlfriend? just to them, not anyone else." billie asked nervously, making y/n snap her head towards her in surprise.

"i mean, if you don't want me to i understand." billie mumbled noticing how quiet y/n went, rubbing the back of her neck with her free hand.

"no, you can tell them i'm yours." y/n laughed softly. "i was just surprised, that's all." billie's eyes lit up at her response, smiling as a silent way of thanking her.

the two walked over to the blonde and brunette who seemed to be conversing, until billie interrupted them.

"fucking finally. you're back. did you get the takis-" drew started but cut herself off when she looked away from zoe and looked at billie and y/n.

"oh!" she exclaimed as she fully faced y/n, zoe doing the same.

"zoe and drew, this is y/n. my.." billie trailed off, glancing nervously at y/n who held billie's hand tighter.

"my girlfriend." she said before turning back to zoe and drew who didn't look all that surprised.

billie was confused at how unamused they seemed, so she decided to question it. "you guys aren't..surprised?"

zoe and drew looked at each other while laughing. "billie, you talk about y/n 24/7." drew started. "yeah, it would be a surprise if you two were not a thing." zoe added, making billie blush bright red.

"oh." she mumbled as a shy smile made it's way onto her lips.

"nice to finally meet you though, y/n. huge fan." zoe and drew smiled at y/n and the three of them exchanged formalities.

billie just watched their interaction, a huge smile present on her face. she was beyond ecstatic that her best friends and her girlfriend got along so well. it was pretty rare for zoe and drew to like her love interest - no matter who they were, they never seemed good enough to them. but seeing the way they spoke to y/n, she knew they liked her. and she certainly was glad.


what if i told you that i'm working on yet another billie fanfic 👀

thanks for reading <3

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