mi amor

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billie licked her lips in her sleepy state, reaching her hand over to feel for her girlfriend, yearning for her warmth.

when she couldn't feel anything except for the cold mattress, her eyes fluttered open as she turned to the side of the bed where y/n was supposed to be sleeping, furrowing her eyebrows when she noticed that she wasn't there.

billie immediately jumped to the worst conclusion. y/n hated the sex and left her. her breathing became shaky as she sat up, tears already crowding her eyes as she frantically looked around for her phone, lifting up the covers to find nothing but her own naked body.

"fuck." she whispered in a shaky voice, her bottom lip quivering as she fell back on the bed. she then turned to the bedside table, finally noticing the phone there. she grabbed it and dialed y/n's number with shaky hands, pressing the phone against her ear.

when she heard a sound from y/n's side of the bed, she furrowed her eyebrows and looked at the bedside table on y/n's side, only to find y/n's phone ringing.

she forgot her phone?

billie let out a surprised gasp when she heard the bathroom door unlock, revealing y/n who was only wearing her bra and shorts.

"baby, hi. you're up." y/n spoke, walking over to her and kissing her cheek, immediately growing concerned when she tasted her salty tears.

"billie?" y/n pulled away, sitting down on the bed next to her. "are you crying?"

"i thought you left." billie sobbed out, hugging y/n tightly as she buried her face in her chest. "i thought you hated the sex and you left."

"what?" y/n spoke, more confused than ever. "why would you think that? billie i loved the sex. you were great, trust me." she kissed the top of billie's head, wrapping her arms around her naked body.

"i just went for a shower, pretty. i'm here now, shh." y/n spoke in a soothing voice, running her hands through billie's hair as billie shook in her arms.

billie soon got her breathing back to normal, wiping away her tears as she pulled away from y/n. "you took a shower without me?" she pouted, leaning her head on her shoulder.

chuckling, y/n shook her head. "i'd be more than happy to take one with you, mi amor."

mi amor.

billie's stomach fluttered, her heart skipping a beat upon hearing the name. a blush crept upon her cheeks as she buried her face in y/n's neck, letting out a soft sigh as she tried not to blush too hard, failing miserably.

y/n took notice of this, letting out a laugh as she kissed the side of billie's head. "what do you say, mi amor? take a shower with me?" she questioned, using the nickname on purpose just to fluster billie more.

nodding vigorously, billie got up and walked over to the bathroom, her face still as red as a tomato, y/n only laughing at her flustered state.


billie groaned as she placed the phone on the bedside table, huffing in defeat.

y/n looked up from her phone and at billie who was laying in her arms, raising an eyebrow. "everything okay?"

"mom wants me home in twenty minutes." she mumbled, running her hand through her hair.

"what? didn't you tell her you were staying at my place?" y/n asked, knowing that asking billie to lie to her parents was a big deal but billie wanted to have sex just as much as y/n did.

"apparently the team is coming over for dinner tonight to discuss some things and i have to be there." she sighed, planting an innocent kiss on y/n's neck. "i'm sorry baby."

"it's okay, i get it." y/n spoke, letting out a sigh. "come on, we can drive back to my place to get your car."

billie nodded and the two of them collected their things, walking out the hotel and towards y/n's car hand in hand, probably being spotted by the paparazzi but they couldn't care less.

or rather, y/n couldn't care less. billie cared very much because she knew that once those pictures reached the internet, they'd be shit talking her all over again. she gave y/n subtle signs to let her know that she didn't want to be spotted being coupley with her, either by slowly removing her hand from y/n's grip or walking a little ahead of y/n. but she never seemed to pick up on these signs, she always took billie's hand back in hers again.

sighing, she got into the car without a word, quite nervous for how the internet would react to pictures of them walking out of a hotel holding hands.

and then it hit her. her head snapped towards y/n, her eyes wide. noticing billie's shocked and rather frightened expression, y/n furrowed her eyebrows.

"what?" she asked, turning on the ignition as she looked back at the road. "why do you look so shocked?"

"the paparazzi." billie whispered. "our parents don't know we were at the hotel!" she now raised her voice, y/n's eyes growing wide as looked at billie, finally realizing the consequences.

"shit, shit, shit." y/n mumbled, turning back to the road. "if they see those pictures, we're dead meat."

"what do we do?" billie asked, now turning her attention to the road as well.

"maybe i could..crash the car? that way we'd either die or if we survived, they'd be too invested in our health so they wouldn't give a fuck about the pictures?" y/n asked, genuinely contemplating crashing.

"are you fucking stupid? you are not crashing this car, y/n! just shut up and look at the road." billie spoke sternly, y/n taking a quick glance at billie as she licked her lips.

"you're hot when you're bossy."

"not the time!" billie exclaimed, though she couldn't help the blush that crept up her cheeks. she looked out the window so that y/n couldn't see her face and cleared her throat. "anyway, we need an excuse. what do we say?"


as soon as billie entered her house, she was met with her parents' disappointed faces. "what's up..?" billie spoke nervously, stepping in completely and closing the door behind her.

her mom shoved her phone in her face and billie gulped softly when she noticed pictures of y/n and her walking out of the hotel.

"mind telling us why you were at the hotel when you were supposed to stay at y/n's?" her dad asked sternly, billie looking down at the floor while fiddling with her rings.

"uhm.." billie trailed off, sighing before giving them the excuse her and y/n had thought of in the car. "we went for a drive and were swarmed with fans so we ran into the hotel to escape?" billie answered, though it came out as more of a question.

her mom gave her a raised eyebrow as she walked closer, brushing billie's hair away from her neck so that her hickeys were exposed. "right, so what are these then?"


idk what this was i'm sorry😭 school has been extra annoying lately

thanks for reading <3

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