glass box

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"y/n, what the fuck? i called you like a billion times and i-" she cut herself off with a soft gasp. "are you okay?"

y/n sat up a little to spot billie walking inside her room, closing the door behind her as she made her way towards her bed.

"baby? what's wrong?" billie asked in a gentle voice, holding y/n's hand. "i called you but you wouldn't answer and you didn't respond to my texts and i got so scared so i drove over.." billie trailed off, a frown on her lips as she moved closer to y/n. "what happened, love?" she asked softly, wrapping her arms around y/n.

the actress immediately broke down sobbing, shaking in her girlfriend's arms. this took billie by surprise but nonetheless, she hugged y/n tighter and kissed the top of her head.

"it's okay. i'm right here. you're okay. it's going to be fine baby. you're so strong, yeah? whatever it is, you'll get through it." billie whispered as she tried to calm y/n down, rubbing her back in a soothing manner.

y/n had never broken down in billie's arms like this. or well, she had once. when she announced that her parents were getting a divorce. but still, it was quite rare for her to cry in front of billie. she always put up such a strong front.

y/n sobbed softly, holding onto billie tightly as if she'd die if she let go. billie sighed, holding y/n in her arms as she tried to just be there for her.

"shh, i'm here for you y/n. please don't cry. it hurts seeing you like this." billie spoke, her voice breaking as she pulled y/n even closer to her body, hugging her as tight as humanly possible.

she whispered sweet encouragements in y/n's ear to try and get her to stop trying, and it finally worked after a few minutes.

y/n slowly pulled away from the hug, wiping her tears away with her fingers before looking at billie.

and that's when billie finally got a proper look at her. red eyes, puffy cheeks, flushed face. her heart broke at the sight and she wanted nothing more than to shove y/n inside a glass box and protect her from everything bad.

"do you mind telling me what happened?" billie asked softly, taking y/n's hand in hers and squeezing it gently.

y/n looked at their intertwined fingers before looking back up at billie, almost ready to break again. "m-mom." she began, letting out a shaky sigh. "she..she has a boyfriend." she whispered, letting a few tears fall before quickly wiping them away. she took in a deep breath before continuing. "i don't know why i'm so emotional about this. i just- i don't know, i guess i sort of hoped that mom and dad would find their way back to each other." she mumbled, billie frowning at her words as she squeezed her hand.

"but mom has just..she's moved on so fast. they were married for so long but four months into the divorce and she's already found someone else? i just don't understand, billie. my dad is fucking broken and my mom is just parading around with stupid alex?!" she exclaimed, growing angrier by the second.

"i just-" she cut herself off with a frustrated groan. "i fucking hate this. i hate everything." she mumbled, rubbing her eyes with her hands.

"hey." billie said, grabbing both of y/n's hands. "look at me." y/n obliged, slowly looking up and into billie's eyes. "you want your mom to be happy right?" she asked, y/n nodding in response. "and she's happy with alex right?" y/n nodded once again.

"now i know you want your parents to be happy together. but baby, you have to understand that they're much happier apart. i know it hurts and i know it sucks. but it's not in our hands. just let her be happy, love. your dad will find happiness too, yeah? he just needs time to adjust. and i'm sure it was hard for your mom too at first, but she's moved on now. so we should be happy for her." billie finished, y/n looking down and trying her best to not cry as she bit on her lower lip.

"you're right." she whispered, her voice shaky. "i hate that you're right about this, but you are."

"come here." billie sighed, pulling her girlfriend into a hug which y/n gladly fell into. "i promise it's all going to be okay." billie spoke, stroking y/n's hair. "you're so strong baby. you'll be fine. and so will your dad. everyone's going to be fine, everything will be okay."

"i love you." y/n whispered into billie's chest, letting out a shaky sigh.

billie smiled as she kissed the top of her head. "and i love you."


"mom got a new boyfriend." y/n spoke as she set her drink down on the table, getting comfortable in her seat.

joshua looked at her with wide eyes. "what?!" he asked, almost as shocked as she was when she found out.

"mhm.." y/n sighed, taking a sip of her coffee. "alex." she added, joshua letting out a scoff.

"you're kidding, right? no way in hell does she already have a boyfriend. i mean, i love your mom but what the fuck?" he said which made y/n nod.

"i know, that's what i said." she mumbled, playing with her fingers as she looked around the coffee shop.

joshua sighed, reaching forward to hold y/n's hands. "are you okay, though?" he asked with genuine concern, making y/n smile.

"yeah, don't worry. billie came over the other day and calmed me down. i'm okay now." she replied, joshua giving her a nod.

"so you and billie seem to be getting along really well." he remarked, following it up with a cheeky grin.

y/n laughed softly as she nodded. "things really are going great. i've honestly never been happier. i know it's like really early into the relationship but this is the girl i want to marry, dude.."

joshua smiled wide at her last sentence, taking his hands back to himself as he nodded. "i approve!" he yelled dramatically which made every single customer at the cafe stare at him, though he couldn't care less.

y/n laughed at his goofiness, shaking her head.

"no but really though, i'm so happy for you. it's really great watching you be so ecstatic after so long."

y/n looked down at her feet and smiled, knowing billie was the only reason that she was finally happy. "thanks, josh." she spoke as she met his eyes. she covered her face with her hands and squealed softly, turning red. "i'm so in love, bro!"


three more chapterss

i'm trying to finish this book like a week before my finals so expect it to be done by around the 20th?

thanks for reading <3

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