coming out

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"hi." billie smiled as she opened the door for her girlfriend, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear as she let y/n in.

"hey angel." y/n said quietly, giving her a quick peck on the cheek after making sure her parents weren't around. "how're you feeling?"

y/n noticed that billie was ticcing, though she was trying her best to surpress it. frowning slightly, y/n took billie's hands in her own and squeezed them. "it's going to be okay."

"i know." billie sighed. "i'm just nervous."

"it's okay, it's normal to be nervous. just know that no matter what happens, i'm here for you." y/n spoke after letting go of billie's hands, billie now looking into y/n's eyes as a slight smile formed on her face. "thank you, y/n. really."

"of course." y/n smiled back at her.

"well, let's go tell them." billie said in a nervous tone, grabbing y/n's hand as she pulled her into the living room where her parents were sitting.

"hey you guys." billie started, trying to catch her parents attention. the two of them looked at the couple and smiled, maggie immediately standing up to embrace y/n and patrick greeting her.

the pair took their seats on the couch as y/n eased into conversation with billie's parents. billie watched in awe at how naturally conversation flowed between them, a wide smile present on her face. her parents had never really got along too well with any of her previous partners, so she was beyond ecstatic that both her friends and her family seemed to like her.

maybe it was too soon into the relationship, but billie couldn't help but hope that y/n was her forever.

she quickly snapped out of her thoughts and cleared her throat, hoping she could speak now. when everyone's attention was on her, she spoke up. "i was hoping i could talk to you guys?" billie questioned nervously, reaching for y/n's hand.

y/n took her hand and squeezed it, hoping to calm billie down a little bit. maggie and patrick nodded, gesturing for billie to go on.

"uhm, so recently i figured something out about myself.." she trailed off, looking at y/n who gave her an encouraging nod. "and i hope you don't think of me differently?" she continued, unsure of what to say. she cleared her throat, deciding to just say it. "i'm into girls." she paused, looking at her parents' faces for any signs of disapproval as y/n held her hand tightly. but her parents only gave her blank stares, so she continued. "i mean, i like guys too, i think. but i just-" she cut herself off by taking in a deep breath, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"y/n and i are together. like, we're a couple. she's my girlfriend. and i'm really happy with her." billie spoke, now looking at the floor, too scared to look at her parents. "i hope you can support me." she said in a quiet voice as she finally looked up, only to see her parents having wide smiles present on their faces.

billie furrowed her eyebrows at how happy they looked. i mean, she was glad they weren't disappointed but she certainly didn't expect them to look this happy.

"oh, honey." maggie stood up as she walked over to billie and wrapped her arms tightly around the short girl. "sweetheart, we love you so much."

billie immediately broke down in her mother's arms, crying her eyes out. she felt like the weight of the whole world had just been lifted off her shoulders. her mother embraced her tight and rubbed her back, whispering soothing encouragements in her ear and telling her how proud she was.

once the two of them pulled away from their hug and billie wiped away her tears, she noticed that her dad had been hugging y/n and her face immediately broke into a smile. patrick then approached her, wrapping his arms protectively around his daughter as he hugged her tight. "i'm so, so, so happy for you, kiddo. you did good with y/n, i'll tell you that." he spoke, giving her a kiss on her forehead.

as he talked to billie, telling her how happy he was, maggie embraced y/n and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. "welcome to the family, honey. we're so glad to have you with us." she spoke, y/n's lips curving into a smile. "thank you, maggie."

"come with me. i want you to tell me everything." maggie gave her a sweet smile as she led the way into the kitchen, y/n following close behind.

"so, how did you two get together?" she asked, starting to work on lunch.

"oh, uhm," y/n started, thinking back. "well, we kinda kissed a few days before going on that camping trip. and neither of us spoke about it and it was a little awkward, until we kissed again at our cabin." y/n chuckled softly when maggie let out a gasp. "and then, well, we decided to talk about it and realized that both of us have feelings for each other. so i asked her out." y/n finished, grinning as she thought back to that day.

"oh, how cute." maggie gushed, smiling at y/n. "how long have you two been together for?"

"a little over a month now."

"and how has it been?"

"wonderful." y/n spoke, a blush on her cheeks as she thought about how content she was in this relationship. "billie is just so great and i really, really, really like her."

"well, you two seem to make a good team. i'm glad billie's with you." maggie smiled, making y/n beam back at her.

"y/n?" she turned around when she heard billie, noticing that the girl was only a few feet behind her.

"hi." y/n smiled as she tucked a strand of billie's hair behind her ear.

"i was hoping we could spend some time together." billie spoke shyly with a blush, y/n taking her hands in her own.

she turned back to face maggie and excused herself, thanking her for her hospitality.

the two girls made their way into billie's bedroom and as soon as the door was closed, y/n engulfed billie in a tight hug. "i'm so fucking proud of you. so, so proud. you did great, baby." y/n whispered as she ran her hand up and down billie's back, sending shivers down her spine.

"thank you." billie managed to get out, hugging y/n tighter.

they pulled away a few seconds later, taking a seat on the bed. "they seem to like me." y/n joked, knowing maggie and patrick loved her long before she was introduced as billie's girlfriend.

"they love you. i mean, who wouldn't?" billie grinned, grabbing y/n's collar and roughly pulling her in for a much needed kiss.


thanks for reading <3

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