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"you look tired." joshua said as y/n took a seat on his bed next to claudia.

"gee, thanks." y/n replied with a scoff, a wave of guilt immediately washing over her. "sorry. i'm in a mood." she apologized, making josh nod as he sat down.

"didn't get much sleep?" claudia asked her which made y/n shake her head. "how come?"

"mom and dad were fighting all night." y/n replied blunty, leaving out the details of finally ending up falling asleep for around three hours with billie.

"again?" josh questioned, though he wasn't really surprised.

y/n sighed before responding. "i'm surprised they haven't got a divorce yet." she chuckled, trying her best to make it seem like she didn't care.

but the truth is, she did care. she wanted her parents to be happy, she did. but she wanted them to be happy together. not without each other. it tore her apart to hear them fight every second of every day. it was disheartening and frankly, quite annoying.

but she had to admit, things were better when her mom had gone to chicago for a business trip. or at least that's what they told her. could've been a trip to get away from her dad. either way, her sleep schedule and mental health was much better when her parents weren't talking.

claudia started saying something, but got cut off by the sound of y/n's phone ringing. "speak of the devil." y/n mumbled. "it's mom. sorry, gotta take this." she said, knowing her mother wouldn't call unless it was urgent.

"mom?" she said as she answered the call, waiting for her mother to tell her why she'd called.

"y/n, can you come home? your dad and i have something to talk to you about."

both her parents on the same page? this certainly wouldn't end well for her.

"uhm, can it wait? i'm kinda hanging out with my friends right now." y/n mumbled, although she knew her mom wouldn't budge.

"y/n, i need you home right now." and that was all was said before her mom hung up.

y/n furrowed her eyebrows as she lowered her phone, looking at her friends explanatorily. "uh, my parents want me home immediately. i better go."

"is everything okay?" joshua asked, concern laced in his voice.

"dunno." y/n replied with a sigh as she got up and collected her things. she said her goodbyes and soon was speeding down the road.

as she drove, there were thousands of questions swirling in her head. what could her parents possibly have to say that they just had to drag her away from her friends? and even worse, both of them wanted to talk to her, so there was no way this was going to go well.

she couldn't think of anything that she'd done wrong for her parents to yell at her about. or rather, anything she'd done wrong that her parents could find out about. so she probably wasn't in trouble. but what else could possibly be so important?

she sighed as she shook her head slightly, trying to clear her head. she turned up the radio, a smile forming on her face as billie's song started playing. she hummed along to the tune, her hands tapping the steering wheel rythmically.

soon, y/n's phone flashed with a notification.

incoming facetime from billie

y/n chuckled softly as she answered, placing the phone in a position such that she could be seen driving.

"hey, baby." y/n said, taking a quick glance at billie. she noticed that billie was laying on her bed, wearing a grey hoodie with sweatpants, her hair all messy. "you look cute."

"hi." billie giggled, blushing at the compliment. "where are you off to?" she asked, noticing that y/n was driving.

"home. i was at joshua's place but mom wanted me home for some reason." y/n said with a slight shrug, to which billie nodded.

"so uh, we're having a little get together partyish thing at my place tomorrow. you know, a little send off kinda thing with me going on tour in three days." billie said. "and i was wondering if you wanted to come? it's at my own place, not my parents'."

"you have your own place?" y/n questioned, quite surprised which made billie laugh softly.

"i do, yeah. i just don't live there." she said, y/n nodding in response. "so, what do you say? will you be able to make it?"

"a hundred percent." y/n said with a smile as she pulled into her driveway. "listen, i gotta go now. i'll talk to you later, kay?"

"oh, okay. bye, y/n." billie smiled. "bye angel."

y/n slipped her phone into her pocket as she walked up to the door, fumbling with her key before using it to open the door. she didn't know what to expect and her anxiety was through the roof. she took a few deep breaths as she walked inside, seeing her parents seated on either side of the sofa with a good amount of space between them.

"hi. i'm here. just like you wanted." y/n said as she fully walked into the living room, both of her parents looking at her.

"hey honey." her dad said as he got up and gave her a hug, which confused y/n quite a bit. but she just brushed it off.

"what's up? what'd you guys want to talk to me about?" y/n asked as she took a seat between the two of them, waiting curiously for their answer.

"uhm," her mom started, standing up and glancing at her dad. "y/n we want you to know that we love you very much, both of us do." she said, her dad nodding in agreement.

"and this is not your fault in any way." her dad added.

y/n just looked at the two of them, confused as to what was going on. it was fishy, how nice they were being.

"yeah. but uh, your dad and i thought that maybe.." her mom trailed off, looking at her husband before sighing. "maybe we should have some time apart."

y/n stared at them with an unreadable expression. "what do you mean." she demanded, not wanting to believe what she had just heard and hoping that they meant something else.

"sweetheart," her dad started in a gentle voice. "we're getting a divorce."


well shit

thanks for reading <3

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