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"y/n!" josh exclaimed with a laugh as he hugged the shorter girl, earning a grin from her.

"joshy!" she reached up to ruffle his hair, making him roll his eyes playfully as the two of them walked into the cafe they'd decided to meet outside.

y/n looked around, this place was quite cute and cozy. she had to bring billie here sometime. the two placed their orders before taking a seat, joshua asking for his usual oat milk latte.

"so, what's up? it's been forever since we talked about shit. catch me up on whatever's going on with you." joshua spoke, making a slight smile form on y/n's face.

"well, remember i stayed over the night of billie's party?" y/n questioned, which made josh nod, gesturing for her to go on. "we were playing a video game, right. and i won the first time. so we decided to play again, and i was clearly winning, once again." she said with a little chuckle. "but then suddenly i felt this warmth mixed with wetness on my neck and- she gave me hickeys, josh!" she whisper-yelled the last part, joshua's eyes going wide.

"no way, what?!" joshua whisper-yelled back, making y/n nod. "you're fucking joking, how was it?" he asked, his voice now normal. "did you do shit later or was it just..?"

"it- she like fucking killed me, right there. turned me on so bad. choked me and everything. but no, we didn't do shit. she just gave me a few very visible hickeys, that's all. unfortunately." y/n spoke, while joshua chuckled softly.

"so i take it that things are going well with you two?" he asked, making y/n nod. "yeah."

"and what about with your parents? when's your mom planning on leaving?"

y/n let out a shaky sigh as she thought about their parents divorce, a few tears crowding her eyes which she quickly wiped away. "uhm- mom's leaving in two days. she's been staying at a hotel closeby when she's not at home packing. and dad..well he's not taken the divorce well, although they tell me it was a mutual decision. he's been spending the past few days just laying in bed, refusing to move except when he has to use the restroom. i literally have to force him to eat and we're talking about a man who loves food."

joshua reached across the table and held y/n's hand, rubbing circles in the space between her thumb and index finger with his thumb. "i'm sorry you're going through this." he said quietly, careful not to make y/n cry.

"it just sucks, you know? i want them to be happy, i do. but it really fucking sucks that they can't be together in order to be happy." y/n said, her voice shaky.

"i know. it's going to be okay though, i promise. i'm here for you, you know that, right? just ask me if you ever need any help, okay?" joshua spoke, trying his best to make y/n feel better.

"yeah. thanks, josh. really." y/n gave him a genuine smile which he reciprocated, giving her hand a tight squeeze before taking his hand back to himself.

"what's up with you, though? you've been awfully quiet about yourself, lately. any new love interests?" y/n asked, wiggling her eyebrows in a teasing manner.

"well," joshua started with a blush. "there's this one person that i think i kinda like.."

"oh my god. tell me everything."


"shut up! there's no way-" y/n got cut off by her phone ringing. "oh, hold on a sec. it's billie. she's probably calling to let me know she's reached." joshua nodded and gestured for her to answer the call.

"hey!" y/n exclaimed as soon as she picked up, and she swore she could almost feel billie smile at the other end of the line.

"hi!" billie replied with the same amount of excitement in her voice, followed by "i miss you."

y/n pouted before replying, "i miss you too."

"what are you up to?" billie asked, and y/n could hear some shuffling on her end.

"i'm just hanging with josh at this cute little cafe." y/n spoke, looking at joshua with a smile.

"ooh, tell josh i say hi!" billie spoke, making y/n giggle.

"will do. what are you up to?"

"nothing much, i just got here so i'm taking rest for a bit before doing a quick little practice for tomorrow." she paused, before continuing. "anyway, i'll let you get back to josh. text me later?"

"i will." y/n smiled to herself. "bye angel. good luck for tomorrow."

"thank you. bye baby."

y/n hung up with a huge smile on her face, making joshua laugh. "looks like someone's in love." he teased with a smirk, making y/n roll her eyes playfully.

"oh, shut up or i'll throw your latte on your shirt."

joshua opened his mouth and was about to reply, but got cut off by y/n's phone blowing up with notifications.

both of them gave each other a confused look before y/n took her phone, noticing that most of the notifications were either from instagram or twitter.

quickly clicking on instagram, she furrowed her eyebrows. "the fuck.." she mumbled as joshua raised his eyebrow.

"what is it?" he asked, noticing y/n's distraught state.

y/n sighed before reading out loud the caption of the instagram post - "billie eilish and y/n y/l/n spark dating rumours after being spotted having dinner together." she spoke. "and then there are pictures of us on our date last night."

"oh." joshua mumbled. "what are people saying?"

"they're.." y/n let out an exasperated sigh as she scrolled through hundreds of comments. "y/n wouldn't settle for billie." she mocked, before reading another one. "oh, y/n can do so much better. why billie of all people?" her eyes shot up to joshua and she could feel her blood starting to boil as she aggressively placed her phone back on the table.

"i could do better? how is that even possible?! if anything it's billie who can do better!" y/n yelled slightly, careful not to disturb the other customers.

joshua sighed as he kept a neutral expression. "some people are just.." he trailed off, trying to find the right words. "people are fucking stupid, you know? they think they have a say in your life. just, ignore them. you can't do anything about it." he advised, y/n sighing with a nod as she sank down in her seat, no longer interested in her drink.


updates will be quite slow for the next few months due to exams. i'll try my best to update but i won't be as consistent.

have y'all watched wednesday yet??

thanks for reading <3

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