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"you're a good kisser." billie said as soon as the two pulled away.

"oh yeah?" y/n said, a smirk present on her lips.

"pretty damn addictive too.." billie mumbled, grabbing y/n's shirt and pulling her in for yet another kiss.

y/n wrapped her arms around billie's waist, pulling her closer if that was even possible. billie whimpered softly into y/n's mouth as the younger girl rubbed billie's back slowly, sending chills down her spine.

it was currently 10 pm on the third day of their week in the woods and the couple had just returned from dinner with the rest of the crew, none of whom knew about their relationship yet. they were definitely tired, but certainly not tired enough to deny themselves another make out session.

the two pulled away slowly, y/n's hands resting on billie's waist. billie sighed as she looked into y/n's eyes, a nervous smile on her lips. "y/n, i was uhm- i was hoping i could talk to you about this, us."

"okay." y/n said. "what's up?"

"i was just hoping we could like, keep this a secret. if you're fine with it, of course. i just- i'm not ready to come out yet. i mean, we can tell finneas and claudia and probably joshua as well, just not anyone else. but if you don't wanna do this, i'd completely understand-"

y/n cut billie off, not allowing her to finish her sentence, "billie, it's okay." she chuckled softly. "i understand and i don't mind keeping us a secret until you're comfortable telling people." she said, making a hopeful smile form on billie's lips.

"really?" she asked, her eyes glistening in the moonlight shining through the window. y/n looked at her and at this very moment, she deemed her the most beautiful person she had ever laid eyes on, promising herself to never let this angel go.

"yeah." y/n said, a smile of her own present on her face.

billie wrapped her arms around her girlfriend as a way to silently thank her, snuggling into her chest before letting out a sigh.

pulling away from the hug a few seconds later with y/n's hands still resting on billie's waist, the pair just stared at each other.

"kiss me." billie murmured, making y/n tighten her grip. "kiss me, y/n." she repeated and this time, y/n obliged.

moving closer to billie, y/n closed the gap between them as their lips connected, ecstasy filling their bodies. everytime their lips met, both of them always felt this rush - they didn't know why, and they certainly couldn't explain it, but both of them felt it.

"i really like you." y/n said against billie's lips when they pulled away for a brief second, making billie pull y/n back in for another kiss after mumbling "i really like you too."

the two pulled away sometime later, gasping for air silenty. they looked at each other and let out soft laughs, their eyes sparkling and their dimples showing as they smiled wide at each other.

it had only been three days since they had started dating, but both of them could definitely say that this had been some of the happiest days of their lives.

"when we get back home, i'm gonna take you out on a date." y/n said, making billie's eyes light up.

"yeah?" billie asked, a grin forming on her lips.

"yeah." y/n nodded, returning the smile.

they stayed sitting on the bed for a few minutes, just enjoying each other's company, before they finally decided to call it a night.


y/n woke up early next morning, her body entangled with billie's, just like it had been the previous nights.

though they hadn't been together for long, y/n certainly had got used to waking up this way - her arms wrapped around someone so beautiful, who somehow managed to look absolutely gorgeous even while sleeping.

she tightened her grip around billie, sighing softly before kissing her cheek. though she never expected it to happen, y/n was in love.

she couldn't describe the feeling she had when she was around billie, whether she was talking to her or just admiring her from afar. no matter how hard she tried to push down her feelings for billie, she just couldn't. she was in love with billie, and she was going to have to accept it.

she had been staring at billie for a good ten minutes until she finally woke up, slowly opening her eyes as they landed on y/n, a smile plastered across her sleepy face.

"hi." she giggled when y/n swarmed her with kisses all over her face, but making sure to kiss her lips at the very end.

"good morning, angel." y/n said, making billie's cheeks flush. angel. she had never been called that before, but she could grow accustomed to this new nickname.

"how long were you looking at me sleep for?" billie asked with a cheeky grin.

"a few minutes." y/n replied, kissing billie's lips again.

"creep." billie joked with a little laugh, making y/n give her a smile and kiss her cheek softly.

"you're just so pretty, even when you're asleep." y/n mumbled, as she found herself admiring billie again.

"you know, you really need to stop being so sweet and perfect. i don't think i can handle falling for you more than i already have." billie said, making y/n chuckle.

"too bad i can't do that." y/n replied, leaning in for yet another kiss, which billie gladly accepted.


writer's block

thanks for reading <3

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