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y/n paced up and down her room with her hands tied behind her back, while claudia watched and joshua just ate his burrito.

the crew had returned from their week in the woods about four days ago, and the couple hadn't seen each other since. 96 hours may not seem like a long time for others, but it sure as hell felt like an eternity to y/n and billie.

"y/n, just text her." claudia spoke, making y/n shoot her a glare.

"you think i haven't thought of that? lf course i have! but the problem is, what would i even say?!" she snapped, before apologising. "sorry, i just- i want to take her out on a date before she leaves for tour in less than two weeks. and i have no idea where i'm going to take her or how i'm even going to ask her."

she sighed before she continued pacing back and forth, soon being interrupted by joshua. "and..sent." he said, which made her look at him, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

y/n then noticed her phone in joshua's hands, her eyes wide as she ran over to him and grabbed her phone before scanning the texts he had sent to billie.

"tonight?!" y/n yelled as she threw her phone on her bed. "that's in like- such less time! i need to find something to wear, fuck." she yelled frantically, running to her wardrobe as she started throwing out clothes, trying to find something good enough.

claudia chuckled softly, shaking her head as she joined y/n. the two went through half of y/n's wardrobe when they heard loud chewing coming from behind them. turning around, they glared at joshua who froze with his bean burrito close to his mouth before mumbling, "what? i'm hungry." with his mouth full.

meanwhile, billie was laying on her bed as she had been advised to, considering the fact that her ankle had been sprained. hearing a ding indicating that she had got a text, a smile formed on billie's face as she looked at her phone and realized that it was y/n who had texted her (well, joshua).

hey billie

so i was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner tonight? like, on a date?

billie almost let out a squeal out of excitement as she read y/n's texts, going over them again and again to make sure she hadn't read them wrong.

billie had been yearning to go out on a date with y/n ever since they'd met. and now that it was finally happening, she couldn't be happier.

a smile plastered across her face, she quickly typed out a reply that according to her, made her sound "interested but not too desparate".

sure, yeah. that sounds fun

i'll pick you up at 6?

sounds good :)

billie quickly called out to her mom, who arrived at her door in a few seconds.

"yes, billie?" maggie questioned with a smile. "i'm going out for dinner today, if that's cool." billie said, looking at her mom with hopeful eyes.

"sure. who're you going with?" maggie asked.

"just..some friends." billie replied, not wanting to tell her that it was y/n, in case it might lead to her mom assuming that it was a date.

maggie gave her a suspicious nod before walking away, leaving billie alone with her thoughts.

"what do i even wear?" billie mumbled to herself as she slowly stood up and limped to her closet, trying to find something that would impress y/n.

it took her a while but she finally decided on a white button up shirt which she thought was cute, paired with shiny black pants that ended up matching her ankle brace.

putting her outfit on, billie limped over to the bathroom to wash her face and do her hair, deciding on a half up half down hairstyle.

she applied light makeup, not wanting to show up without wearing any. checking herself out in the mirror, she took her phone and facetimed claudia - the one person who actually gave good fashion advice.

"hi billie." claudia smiled cheerfully at the grasshead, making a smile form on billie's face as well. she noticed that claudia wasn't at home and it took her a minute to realize that she was at y/n's place.

"are you at y/n's?" billie whispered softly, hoping y/n hadn't heard in case she was near. claudia nodded in response before billie spoke up again. "is y/n near you?"

"no, don't worry. she's gone to get changed." claudia said, which made billie let out a sigh of relief. she certainly didn't want y/n knowing that she was doing all this for their first date. it would make her look too desparate, she thought.

"okay, can you rate my outfit on a scale of one to ten?" she asked and when claudia nodded, billie placed the camera down such that her whole figure could be seen. she spun around slowly, careful not to strain her leg while also making sure that claudia could see what she was wearing.

"i give you a solid nine." claudia said before continuing, "you need jewellery. maybe a chain?"


y/n nervously fiddled with her car door before hesitantly getting out, grabbing the flowers before closing the car door behind her, slowly walking up to the front door.

she straightened her collar and ran her fingers through her hair, making sure she looked at least decent before ringing the doorbell.

"i'll get it!" she heard billie yell and was immediately put to ease when she heard her voice. smiling to herself, she waited patiently for billie to open the door.

hearing the click indicating that the door was about to open, y/n straightened her posture and held her flowers tighter as a smile formed on her face.

as soon as her eyes landed on billie, her breath audibly hitched. and she could've sworn that the same thing happened to billie. she eyed billie up and down, trying to comprehend the fact that she was going on a date with this unbelievably hot woman. and billie seemed to be feeling the same way, for neither of them said anything for a few minutes.


stream "i'm sorry" by josh

help joshua keeps dropping singles i hope this isn't going to be one of those albums where most of the songs are released beforehand

thanks for reading <3

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