Feild Trip Gone Wrong

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Spider-Man knows the avengers and hangs out with them, but the avengers don't know Spider-Man's real identity. Peter also has a badge for being Spider-Man so he can get into the labs with Mr. Stark or get back into the tower after a meeting or something similar.


Peter's POV.

Three weeks ago, Toomes had escaped from prison. Ever since then I have been trying to find him with no luck. A week ago, Mr. Harrington announced that we had a surprise field trip. 

I was loading up into bus we start heading to our surprise field trip location. I was sitting next to Ned listening to him rant about all the places we could be going. I was equally excited but the entire ride my Spidey sense was going off. Not a lot but enough that something was going to happen. 

When the bus stopped, we were at the tower. My spider sense was starting to give me a headache from is constantly going off. We walked in and it became a bit stronger. I looked around seeing if I saw anything but nothing. 

We got our badges and went through the scanners. It read off our Name, clarence and if we had any unauthorized weapons.  I had my web shooters, so I was hoping that Tony had then authorized for Spidey me. Scanning my badge and walking though.

'Peter Parker, Level 1.' FRIDAY paused, 'No unauthorized weapons. Hope you enjoy the tour.'

I was so glad that Stark had authorized my web shooters. (When I was Spidey sometimes, rarely, went in thought the front with Stark after a meeting or something). After everyone was scanned in, we headed to the avenger's museum. 

MJ Ned and I all stayed together. We walked around the museum when my spider sense went haywire. I told them I was going to the bathroom. Then went over to the intern to ask where one was. She told me and I sprinted there.

Changing into my spider suit my spider sense had died down to almost nothing. I decided to still ask FRIDAY if there is anyone outside the tower that was a threat and to keep my identity a secret. She agreed and told me that no one was outside that was a threat. She also asked if he wants her to tell avengers that he's here. 

"No thanks Fri. but could you tell the tour group I went home as I wasn't feeling good. But make is believable please."

'Of course, Spider-Man.'

I then head back to the group with my mask on. Going into the museum everyone looked over expecting to see Peter Parker. Instead, they see me, it takes them a moment to process me being here but then start freaking out. 

"Spider-Man I didn't know you were going to be here on the tour" The intern said. Then all the students came running over like a heard of Zebra running from a lion. 

"Neither did I but I got bored, and Stark said I could crash this tour, saying something that this was the smartest school in New York." I say "trying" to remember what Stark said. 

"Awesome. Spider-Man what are the avengers like?" someone asks.

"They're a bunch of children. I remember one time Hawkeye started a prank war and ended up dragging the whole tower into it. There was glitter in Starks suits and the halls for weeks."

"Yeah, that was a tough week." The intern adds.

They kept asking a lot of questions. My Spider sense started going off, so I turned to the intern.

"Why don't we head to the next spot, and I'll set up some sort of Q & A after lunch." I suggest and the intern nods going to the next spot. 

"Fri where is the team?" I ask getting into the privet elevator. 

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