Peter is the God of Strength, and Winter. Y/N is the God/ Goddess of Battle, healing and Revenge.
Peter's POV.
Karen came in telling me that the All father called us into the throne room. I grabbed my dual blades and met up with Y/N and we walked to the throne room. We talked on the way there. Both of us had no idea why we were being called. I thought it was about last week during training. Y/N thought it was from a prank Loki and them did last week. Walking in we bow in front of the All father.
"Stand. Peter Y/N thank you for coming so quick. I need you to get Thor and Loki. The giants from Jotunheim are planning an attack and I need all the help I can get."
"Okay we'll go get them." Y/N says. We bow and head to Heimdall to get to Midgard.
We get to the rainbow bridge seeing Heimdall getting ready to open the portal.
"Hello Peter, Y/N, to Midgard I assume." Heimdall asks when we're in front of him.
"Yes, and preferably wherever Thor and Loki are most likely to be at." I respond.
"Of course. I am able to bring you two outside of the building." We nod, "Alright good luck and call me when you need to come back." Heimdall opens the portal and allows us to step through.
We get through the portal and are in a field next to a tall building.
"Should we head in?" I ask.
"Yea let's go." Y/N responds walking towards the building.
I catch up and we walk in to see a very high-tech lobby. We look around trying to find Loki or Thor when someone asked us why we were here.
"We need to speak with Thor and Loki." I speak.
"And who are you two?"
"I'm Y/N and this is Peter. Now do you know where they are?" Y/N asks.
"I'm sorry but if you have no identification or proof, you know them, I'm going to have to ask you to leave."
I go to say something, but Y/N stops me nodding pulling me out.
"Why did you do that?" I ask once outside of the building.
"We can fly up to another level with someone more intelligent." Y/N says taking out their wings motioning me to get on their back.
I climb on and they fly up checking each floor before getting to one of the top floors. I assumed Y/N felt Loki's magic because they busted through one of the windows on a high floor. We get on the inside but no Loki and no Thor. We notice 4 men in the room, getting ready to fight.
"Where is Loki." Y/N demands, setting me down and retracting their wings.
"Who are you? And why do you need him?" The one with a weird looking beard asked.
"I am Y/N now where is Loki." Y/n threatens.
"Be nice Y/N. Sorry I'm Peter and we have some important news to tell them." I apologize slapping Y/N a little.
"It's fine... You can stay till them get back." A weird beard man says.
"Thank you..." "Tony" "Thank you Tony."
Y/N and I sat on a couch talking with Tony, Clint, Sam and Banner. They are all a part of the avengers who save the earth apparently. We got to know them while waiting for Thor and Loki. When they get here. Thor has his hammer and Loki has his scepter. They are talking with other humans before they freeze.
Before anyone can explain, Loki and Y/N smirk bringing each other into a hug.
"Loki who are these." A red head asks.
"This is Y/N and Peter our best friends and the greatest worriers from Asgard." Thor interrupts.
"So, Reindeer games has a soft spot?" Starks questions.
"Watch it Stark." Y/N and Loki sneer.
"Why are you two here? Did father give you a break?" Thor questions.
"I wish. The giants from Jotunheim are planning an attack and the All father needs you two." I explain.
"Giants? We must head back then." Thor says.
"Let's head outside and have Heimdall beam us back." Y/N says.
We all head outside, Loki and Thor with their weapons. They say goodbye to the avengers and Heimdall beams us back to Asgard, allowing us to aid in the battle.

Spider-Man one-shots
RandomA bunch of Spider-Man one-shots. If you have an idea/story line you would like, please let me know. requests are welcome and open. None of the characters are mine.