The Bet

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Peter is Clint's son and they both live in the tower that is closer to Peter's School. 


Peter's POV.

"Hey dad, do you think I could intimidate or creep out Auntie Nat?" I ask. 

"What? How do you plan to do that." He pauses, "You know what, I don't want to know. I bet you half of Starks bank account you can't intimidate or creep her and Stark."

"You're on." I say, running off. 

I start planning how I can intimidate, well creep her out. After getting the perfect plan, all I have to do is wait for dinner. Today was one of the few days that only a few of the avengers were in the tower. Those few included me, my dad, Tony, and auntie Nat. 

During dinner I didn't talk at all. Just staring at them, like I was possessed.  After dinner they decided on a movie. So, during the movie, I stand, well crouch in the corner facing the couches. 

"Peter?" Tony asks cornered and creeped out. 

When I don't answer Auntie Nat asks, "Are you okay Pete?"

Glancing over at dad I see he gives a small nod with a sigh of defeat. 

"Yep, I'm good. FRIDAY can you transfer the money that was placed on the bet please."

'Of course, Peter. Transferring half of Boss's bank account to you. Transferring a total of 5 billion dollars.'

"Thanks FRI. I've got homework to do that's harder than hacking FRIDAY and Tony's bank account so, bye."

Tony's POV.

"Barton, what was that about?"

"Me and Peter made a bet...." He says quietly. 

"What was the bet?"

"Thats why Peter was being creepy." Nat whispers.

"Well Peter asked if I thought he could creep out or intimidate Nat. I didn't think so betting half of your bank account.... and Peter kinda did that so...." He says slowly moving away from me. 

"BIRD BRAIN!" I yell chasing after him. 

Peter's POV.

Huh dad's getting in trouble. I think going back to making an AI.

I hear a knock, closing my window opening a school one, "Come in." I say. 

"Good job Маленький паук." (Baby Spider)

"Thanks, Мама-паук." (Mama Spider)

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