Flash "revealed himself" to his dad as "Spider-Man" then his dad reveals him to the world.
Peter's POV.
I was sitting in Aunt Mays apartment switching through channels when I get to the news.
Breaking News- Spider-Man just revealed himself to be teenager, Flash Thompson from Midtown High.
Flash is Spider-Man?!? Why would he do this. Does he not realize how much danger he just put himself in.
"Hey Aunt May, I'm heading out, I'll be back late tonight." I yell.
"Okay Pete, stay safe."
I head out going to the store to get some things before heading to the Avengers tower.
Avengers POV.
"So, Spider-Man revealed himself to the world before us. Wow." Clint said.
"Yea that's kind of low. I mean I would at least tell the people I'm close to first." Tony says.
This entire time Natasha is staying quiet while the rest of them talk about Flash. Tony also does a background check on Flash, ignoring the school reports.
Peter's POV. (Around 8 pm.)
I swung into the tower and got bombarded by the avengers.
"Kid why you still swinging around with your mask on? I mean you already told the whole world who you are on live television." Tony says.
"Well-It's personal." I say trying not to actually explain the reason why.
"Flash just take your mask off, there's no point in it." Steve says putting his hand my shoulder.
I back away getting hand off of me, "I'm not going to. I-i know this is going to be hard to believe but I'm not Flash." I say.
"Kid we already know who you are, there's no point in trying to keep it a secret."
"I'm an intern here. I can't say much more cause than you'll know who I am." I say.
"Kid you don't have to lie." Tony says.
"I'm not but I have to go." I say walking to the window. Just before I leave Steve adds.
"You can tell us kid."
"I have to go." I say swinging out the window.
TIME SKIP (next day)
"BYE PETE STAY SAFE!" She yells back as I walk out.
I walk into the tower being greeted by everyone on my way to the privet elevator. On the way to the elevator, Flash stops me.
"Hey Peter!"
"Flash... what do you need?" I ask severely confused as to why he's here and why he called me Peter.
"Do you know how to get up to where the avengers are? Tony asked me to come over to talk." He says sounding actually nervous.
"Yea... Thats actually where I was heading for work... Friday is he supposed to be here?" I ask just to confirm.
'Yes, Peter he is.'
"Okay thanks Friday. Let's head up to them then, follow me." I say heading to the elevator.
"Thanks a lot man. I'm sorry for what I did all these years."
I look at him shocked. Flash Thompson is apologizing?!? To me. Peter Parker, "Yea... It's fine man."

Spider-Man one-shots
RandomA bunch of Spider-Man one-shots. If you have an idea/story line you would like, please let me know. requests are welcome and open. None of the characters are mine.