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Peter was Spider-Man nobody knew, and he never fought with Tony/avengers. When Peter changes forms any injury's stay with him. Stony.


Peter's POV.

I was out on patrol swinging around when I heard screaming. I went to go and figure out what was going on. When I got there, I saw HYDRA agents trying to kidnap a child. 

"Isn't that a little low, going for a defenseless kid." I say webbing one of their guns away. 

The rest of the agents started fighting, during the fight I checked to see if the child got away which they had. I know had nobody else to worry about. I had most of the agents webbed up and I was fighting the last one. I was going to punch him when I felt this prick in the back of my neck. I started seeing black and the agent started cutting the others free. I tried to stop him, but I blacked out.

TIME SKIP (When Peter woke up.)

I woke up chained to a bed in a white room. Looking around it looked a lot like a hospital room. I heard the door open, and people come in talking Russin. They came over to the bed holding a needle filled with blue liquid and a microchip. They put the chip in my arm then injected me with ethe blue liquid and continued speaking in Russin. 

"See you in 2 days spider..." The doctor who injected me said walking out. 

Once they were out of the room, I felt severe pain in my veins. I ended up passing out from all the pain. 

TIME SKIP (2 years)

That's how I got here. Sitting is a cell with a collar around my neck and tied up with a vibranium leash. The leash and collar were dampening my powers so I couldn't change my form and leave.

 I had been getting more food this week meaning I was going on a mission. This was the mission I decided I was going to escape. I heard footsteps so I figured I was getting food or leaving for the mission. 

"349 you have a mission go suit up and meet in room 45 for your orders." The agent said untying me allowing me to get in my suit.

I walked out of the room and to the weapons room. Getting in my suit and grabbing my shooters (like his web shooters but with a gun added on). After the suit was on, I walked to room 45 to get the mission. It was and easy 2-day mission. Fly out to New York, kill a traitor and fly back. The perfect mission to escape.

They walked me to the jet, and we started the flight to New York. After we arrived, I was given the location of the target and left to do my job. I headed to the location and killed him. He put up a fight and ended up breaking my arm.  After I killed him, I started digging the chip out of my broken arm. I left the chip on the ground and transformed into a German Shepherd leaving to find an animal shelter to get my arm taken care of and for some food. 

It took me an hour before getting to a shelter in Manhattan. Walking, more like limping, into the shelter while whining brought a lot of attention to me. The workers at the front desk ran over to me after seeing me. They picked me up and I allowed them, even though I didn't want to. It was better than walking on a broken arm. They brought me to the back and put me under anesthesia. When I woke up, I was laying in a kennel with a cast around my arm. 

I get up and walk to the front of the kennel. I noticed a lot of families looking at other dogs. I went and laid back down allowing myself to rest. 

Tony's POV.

Steve and I were cuddling on the couch, watching a movie when there was a gunshot from the TV. Steve sat up and shuffled to the corner of the couch. I look over and notice he's having a panic attack. I slowly approach him to no make it worse. Once I'm in front of him I move his hand to my chest and take overexerted breaths. After a few minutes Steve's breathing started going back to normal. 

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