Hidden Athena

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I got this inspiration from the ending part of Warrior of the Mind by Jorge Rivera-Herrans.


Nobody's POV.

Addy is Athena who ran away when she was younger. She has been hidden among the humans for centuries but that all changes when she and Peter uncover a hydra base while out on patrol. 

Peter's POV.

I was out on patrol with Addy. When we stumbled upon a group of HYDRA agents. We started fighting them and managed to take down all but two. The last two men looked at each other then ran. 

"Come on we can't lose them." Addy says chasing after them.

I swing after then while Addy is running behind them. She starts fading off motioning for me to loosen up to. I do so and meet up with her. 

"Why'd we lose them?" I ask.

"We didn't their base is up here. I need you to trust me. Here's a com. we need to stay together." I nod and she continues, "We're going to go in there are scout it out. Don't engage unless they engage with you. We'll get the layout of the base then you'll tell the avengers so they can take it out, okay?" She explains. 

"Okay. I trust you." I say. 

Addy then starts walking towards the base entrance me following behind. We don't get caught but that all because Addy was able to see the people before they were there. As far as I was aware Addy doesn't have any powers... I'll ask her when we're done. 

TIME SKIP (At Peter's apartment after the scouting.)

"Addy, you don't have powers, right?" I ask.

"No. you know this, Pete." She says. 

"Then what's your name?" I ask again.

"What are you taking about its Addy." She says.

"Don't be modest. You're a Goddess. You Are Athena. You have the best strategies we seen."

"Well, if you're looking for a mentor, your time will be well spent." She responds turning into another person. 

"Sounds like a plan. Goddess and Spider bestest of friends." I say with a smile. 

"Well see where if goes." She says. 

The rest of the day was spent with training and me calling the avengers giving them the information about the base. 

3'rd POV.

Athena and Peter become best friends and are now inseparable. Whenever you see one the other will be there soon. 

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