Peter is Tony and Pepper's child. They don't know about him being Spider-Man.
Based off of Ultimate Spider-Man. Fury recruited him as well as a team of advanced humans, to help save the world when the avengers can't help.
Peter's POV.
I was hanging out in the living room watching TV. with mom and dad when I get a text from Luke.
Pete we need you pronto.
Alright I'll be there as soon as I can.
I had to make up some kind of excuse to get out of the tower and to headquarters. I could tell them I'm going to Harry's. No I did that last time. What about heading out to Luke's. Yea that will work.
"Hey mom dad I'm going to go to Lukes to hang out with him, Sam, Danny and Ava." I say getting up to go grab my bag with suit.
"Alright be home by 9."
I nod running to the elevator and speeding down it. As soon as it opened, I sprinted to the nearest alleyway to change. Changing as fast as I can I start swinging to the base.
At the base I head in and get greeted by all the agents that walk by. Getting to the meeting room I see Fury at the head of the table with my team around it.
"Thanks for finally joining us Spidey."
"Yep now whatcha need. Kinda got folks who will suspect things."
"I need you all to catch Doc. Oc. He has been on a rampage releasing all Frightful 4 and many other villains."
"Alright let's go get him team." I say standing up and walking out. Outside I ask, "So where are we going to look first?"
"We could split up into team of two. Me and Fist search the south side, Power Man and Nova the West and Spidey takes the north. We all stay on the comms, when someone finds something we all head over to help." Ava says.
"Good plan lets head out." I say.
We all head out to our sectors. I see a few petty crimes but nothing to concerning. Just then a building blows up.
"Guys I need some help over here."
"Alright me and tiger are heading over."
"So are me and nova."
I swing to the building just to get grabbed by a robotic arm. It slams me against the wall.
"Well, Well, Well, Little Spider all alone."
"Not for long." I say punching him in the face.
"Eta of 5 minutes Spidey." Power Man says over the comms.
"Got it." I reply.
I get an alert to dodge right. I do so and just as I moved an arm slams into the building. After what felt like an eternity my team got here.

Spider-Man one-shots
RandomA bunch of Spider-Man one-shots. If you have an idea/story line you would like, please let me know. requests are welcome and open. None of the characters are mine.