Bad Boy Peter

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Peter's POV.

We had a field Trip to Stark Industries today. I really don't want to go, I have this broken rib, leg and a sprained wrist. Not to mention the beating I got from Carl this morning. 

"Alright class time to load onto the buses." Mr. Whatever his name is. I don't pay attention in school enough to care.

On the bus I go to the very back and put in my headphones and listen to my music. Nobody sits in the seat next to or in front of me. Nobody in this school really likes me. After 20 minutes we arrive at Stark industries. 

"Let's go class and remember to be respectful this is a once in a lifetime opportunity." Mr. what's his name, gosh I should really learn his name.

We head inside and are greeted by a tour guide. She started talking but I droned her out and put my hood up. She started leading us to the elevator. When my teacher tapped on my shoulder and asked me to take off my headphones and hood off. I gave him a glare and he immediately backed off. 

We got to the next floor. This happened to be the Avengers Museum.  I started wondering around and went up to the Spider-Man display. They really don't know much about me, do they? I think looking at the notes. 

Can stick to wall is that his suit or his that his body?

Has a sticky web that is strong enough to be swung from and can dissolve in two hours.

Nothing more is known.

The rest of the class had started moving on with the tour guide. "Hey kid come on we're moving up to the intern labs." The tour guide yelled just loud enough for me to hear.

So, I walked as fast as I could over the elevator with my broken leg and rib. In the intern labs we see a bunch of interns doing various tests and projects. On one of the tables I see two beakers one filled with Azidoazide Azide and the other filled with Amatol. Both highly explosive chemicals.  

One of my classmates they start trying to mix the two together. In the moment I stick my hand between the two chemicals. To stop them from mixing. 

"Ow" I say in the most monotone voice ever. "You know what could have happened if these two chemicals mixed?" I asked and they shook there head, "They would have exploded."

"Well, you could have just told us, and we could have gotten out." They say like it was obvious.

 "No because the chemical reaction would have been too fast. So nobody would have gotten out alive. Actually this entire building would have exploded or melted."

 One of the interns comes over to me and starts asking if I was okay and put my hand under cold water. "Yea I'm fine. But I better get going to the rest of the tour." I say trying to pull away.

"No, you're going to the med bay. FRIDAY can you have someone head to the Med Bay we have a 2nd degree chemical burn."

'Of course' FRIDAY responds as we head into the elevator and up to the med bay.

Up in the Med Bay was Bruce Banner. He started looking over my wound.

"You're going to need to not use your hand and need to apply this medication to the wound every few hours." He says handing me a tube of medication.

"Okay thanks, Um would you happen to know where the tour group is?" I say

"Yea they are in a Q & A with the Avengers so let's head down there now." Banner says and we start heading down to the Q & A.

At the Q & A everyone was sitting down and started staring at me. 

"Are you okay Parker." The teacher asks me. I just gave him a glare and went to sit down. 

The Avengers started walking in. Along with them there were a few interns that had mics.

"Well all you fabulous students you know who we are, so I won't bore you. So, what questions do you have for us." Tony Stark asks.

I had a few questions, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to ask them. I somehow got a mic from one of the interns.

"Hi...woah. okay this actually works." My teacher starts giving me a mean glare, "Okay I'm going to ask my question now, this teacher giving me a weird look. Well Docter Banner, in one of your books you talked about Quantum physics, (insert science talk and question)"

"Hey, your the kid from earlier. How's your hand?" Banner asks.

"It's fine, I was the only one that was actually going to do something about it." I say in annoyance.

"What do you mean?" Tony asks.

Before I could respond one of my classmates did, "We ain't no Peter Parker."

"What he means is that nobody knows a beaker from their elbow." I say clarifying what was just said.

"Parker, can I talk to you in the hall for a minute?" My teacher asks me. 

"Well, I gots to go, my teachers giving me the stink eye." I say following my teacher out to the hall.

We go into the hall and the teacher lectures me about how disrespectful I was being. I ended up punching him like I did to my last teacher. He was annoying, I mean Dr. Banner didn't seem to mind the question. He actually seemed to enjoy the question. 

"You walked into a wall right?" I ask.

He nods and I walk back into the room like nothing happened. He walked in 5 minutes later with bruises covering his face.

"What happened?" Natasha Romanoff asked.

"I..." He looked over to me then back, "I walked into a wall." He finished

Natasha didn't look convinced but went with it. WE finished the Q & A and started heading back to the school. On the way out I grabbed an internship test. Why not try.

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