Natasha's son

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Peter's POV.

I was out patrolling getting ready to head home when I hear a scream coming from nearby. I swing over and see a building on fire. It looks like most people were able to get out but not everyone. I swing down and ask if anyone's inside. 

"My son's on the 3rd floor." "There are 3 people in the 5th"

"Anyone else?" I ask confirming. 

When nobody speaks up, I go and get the child off the 3rd before swinging back in onto the 5th floor. While I was looking for the 3 people, I heard cracking, I tried to move but the floor gave out and I fell into a flame. I get up and roll on a not burnt floor to put out the fire on my suit. 

I go and continue looking after putting the fire out. I finally find the three people. 2 kids and a father. I approach them and see the kids huddled around their father crying.

"Is everyone okay?" I ask coming closer.

"My leg it's probably broken. Just please get my kids out." The man says.

"I can get you all out now. And we have to hurry." I web the kids to my back picking the man up and carrying him out.

As I swing out the building collapse. It was loud and the children start crying again, the man tries to calm them, but nothing works. I then land setting the man down calling for a medic. When their father is being taken care of another medic comes and takes the kids off my back getting them checked out. 

"Good work Spidey. Are you okay your suit is burnt?" One of the cops that came asked.

When, he asked this all the pain came, "Yea I'm fine... Hust make sure everyone's okay, k?" I say, they nod, and I swing away. While I was swinging Karen was calling mom and telling her that we were coming for medical attention and that it's needed badly.

Natasha's POV.

I was sitting in the living room with the rest of the team. We were playing monopoly. We had to play in teams since it's made for 6 people. I was on a team with Bruce. Tony and Pepper, Thor and Loki, Steve and Bucky, Wanda and Clint, Sam and Scott. 

The only teams that remained are Bruce and I, Clint and Wanda and Tony and Pepper. Everyone that was out put on some music and were watching. Probably making sure nobody kills each other. 

We had been playing and it was 11 by the time Tony and Pepper won. Once the game ended, I got a call. The call had been from Peter, so something had to be wrong.

"Hey, Паук what's up? Are you okay?" I ask worry evident in me voice. 

When the team heard the worry laced in my voice, they gave me a confused look. I ignored it listening to Karen.

"Okay hold up, my Паук is swinging here with 3rd degree burns... I know he's strong but never mind how long till he's here?... Okay I'll have some supplies ready." Karen then hangs up. 

"What was that about?" Tony asks.

"Bruce, we have 10 minutes to have supplies to treat 3rd degree burns, a possible broken leg and a dislocated rib and knowing him there's probably more. Can you help me?" I ask getting up and clearing a space making it comfortable for when Peter gets here.

"I can but it would be better in the med bay." He says worried about who ever I was talking about.

"I know but he's not going to know where to go and we shouldn't move him too much. I also want him to be treated as soon as possible." I say looking at him before he nods and gets the supplies. 

When Bruce gets back Peter swung through the window looking for me. When we made eye contact, he walked over to me limping and holding his side. I motion for him to lay onto the table that I covered with blankets and a pillow to make it more comfortable. 

Bruce rushes over and started cutting off the suit in the areas around his injuries. Peter was wincing while he was cutting the suit. I grab his hand and comfort him. I decided to leave the questions until he was patched up. I could tell all the others had questions but one glared and they backed up.

It took Bruce 20 minutes to patch Peter up and give him the good to go to move, if he's carful. Peter sits up moving to cuddle into my side. Once Peter gets comfortable everyone starts asking questions.

"Okay everyone stop." They all stop talking, "детеныш паука what happened?"

"I was swinging home when I heard a scream. So, I went and checked it out... When I got there, there was a huge fire and there were people trapped inside. I got out a boy that was on the third floor. When I went back in to get 3 people on the fifth and when I was looking around for them the floor collapsed, and I fell into a huge flame. I got them out without much pain but once an officer congratulated me and asked if I was okay, I started feeling all the pain." Peter explains quietly.

"You really need to focus more on your surroundings and Spidey sense." I tell him pulling him in closer. He nods cuddling closer into me falling asleep.

"So, who is this and why is he so injured?" Clint askes. 

"This is Peter and he's, my son. One of the few reasons I don't live in the tower." I respond.

"You have a kid? Who knew the Great Black Widow has a heart." Stark said sarcastically.

"Yes, Stark unlike all the rumors I have a heart, well at least for the ones that I care for." I replied sarcastically. This starts a big argument between me and Stark.

"Okay can we stop all this arguing." Steve defuses, I stop and so dose Stark, "Why don't you and Peter move in? It will make is easier and safer for him when he gets injured." Steve suggests. 

Everyone else but Stark nods in agreement. I wait for Stark before nodding saying well move in in the next week. After everything is settled, we watched a movie. Most of us falling asleep on the couches. 

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