Peter Barton

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Peter is Clints oldest son and is Spiderman. Clint knows this Laura doesn't. Peter is 16 Cooper is 12 Lila is 10 and Nathanial (Nate) is 5 


Peter's POV.

Dad was at the avenger's tower and mom left for work a few hours ago. I got stuck with babysitting Cooper, Lila, and Nate. They're not that bad, but I was board, and it was getting late. They all were already asleep, so maybe I can go out. No dad will get so mad, if he finds out they were home alone. I can ask Ned or Mj. Yeah, I'll ask Mj.


Hey Mj, could you come over and watch my siblings please?


And why would I do that?


Because I'll give you money and my siblings love you


Fine your lucky I'm free and that I love you and your siblings. See you in a bit loser


See you in a bit love you to

A bit later MJ came, and I told her that they were asleep and that I was heading out. I gave her a quick kiss, put on my mask and left. 

Swinging around the city was better than just sitting around doing nothing. It was a rather slow night, so nothing really happened. I ended up swinging up to a building and just sitting there listening to the city around me. I close my eyes and lay back not caring about anything that was happening at that moment.

After a bit of time, I hear thrusters flying towards me. I looked up to see Ironman.

"Hey Spidey."

"Hey Mr. Stark."

We talk for a little while when he asked a question that caught my attention.

"Do you want to come to the tower?"

"Yes! I mean yea that would be cool." I say trying to stay calm.

"Lets go." He says then flies off.

I knew I couldn't keep up, so I webbed to his suit and flew along with him. Getting to the tower took less time than it normally does. We landed on the landing dock and headed inside. 

Inside all of the avengers were watching Tv. some of them look over to us. As soon as they see me a look of confusion and defense comes upon their faces.

"Umm... Who's that?" Steve Rodgers asks standing up.

"This is Spider-Man. I invited him to meet you all." Stark says wrapping a arm around my shoulder.

"Why are you here?" Dad asks looking directly at me.

"Were you not just listening. He explained it." I say with an annoyed tone and motioning to Mr. Stark.

"Yea but you're supposed to be somewhere else." Dad says getting more irritated than before.

"Ohh, yea I got my girlfriend to do that." I say forgetting that dad doesn't know me and Mj are dating. 


"Yea no need to yell." I say grabbing my ears.


"What's going on?" Natasha asks 

"MJ duh. And should we tell them?"

"You two are together? wow. But uh yea if you want." dad responds, I nod for him to tell them, "Right. Well team this is one of my son's Peter." 

"SON!?!" All the avengers minus dad yell.

I grab my ears and run to bury my head in dad's chest. I can feel that dad started talking but I can't hear anything. After a minute I look around to see everyone looking at me. Everything still ringing. I motion for dad to take me home. He gets the message.

Dad says something then picks me up and we leave.

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